
Is it true that owning a dog or cat has been banned in KSA?

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According to this link it says the religious police over there have banned them




  1. nope, my uncle has a cat as a pet in ksa.

  2. If that's right , the reason could be that Philippines who are spreading at KSA some of them ate dogs as I know they like they meat , and that is banned in Islam , so might be this is the reason .

  3. i believe it is only a ban on selling the animals.

    however, as far as i know, you can still import them for yourself.

    Also, the reason claimed for this was because men were using dogs to bother women for numbers and even entire families.

    edit: HEY! my pitbull isnt mean. he is actually loves people as long as the people dont come in my house! But yes, i am importing him to a city in the eastern region so this might actually be true if only for riyath.

  4. only in the capital

  5. I have a cat, and I'm in the eastern province.. nothing banned here..

    my family has two cats and my uncle has a dog, they are in Jeddah and nothing banned there.

    I didn't read anything regarding this issue in the local news paper, I guess it's a rumor.

  6. no, i won't take this news seriously

    it is just a statement that was made by one person, and not something that is seriously done based on a country decision, different organization or real trade thinking

    there is one thing that is banned for sure here, that is alcohol

    other than that, it is a mess

    there is no coordination or communication between customs, ministry of commerce, chamber of commerce, police, relegious police, ....etc

    you will find big lists of banned things from one side, and the other side has no clue about it, and in most cases, they are sold normally in the market

    there are many things sold in the market in official shops that are totally banned, and has harsh punishments, like thousands of dollars penalty and closing the shops, especially in the sattellite and receivers business. however, you can find any single type of entertainment sold explicitly and looks legally.

    nowadays, any awkward statement by a person, will take a highway to the headlines because of all the media focus on saudi arabia.

  7. Supposedly this ban is only in Riyadh... As I dont live there, I cannot comment on the problem with men approaching women with dogs.. hahaha!

    But here in the eastern province where many westerners, Americans and Europeans alike live and work. you'll see many pet dogs.. most are small dogs ive seen..

    I see many people inside the Aramco housing community that have larger dogs like German Shepherds, and labradors, but nothing mean like Rotweilers or Pitbull dogs..

    Cats? well thats another story.. Cats are like roaches or mice.. you see them everywhere.. All I have to do is open my garage door in the morning and there are zillions of stray cats all over the walk out front...

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