
Is it true that people from New Zealand do not like people from Austrailia?

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Any thoughts on why?




  1. NZ and Australia are very competitive in most things that we do, but when it  matters we are ANZAC'S (Australia and NZ )

    So No most people from NZ don't dislike Aussies and vice versa but we love to rib each others country.

  2. I'm a New Zealander and I think it's mainly because of the competition between the Aussies and NZers. In sports such as rugby especially. We can get on well enough though, and not all Aussies and Kiwis hate eachother.

  3. Sounds like just a friendly neighborhood feud.  It don't look serious from this side of the ocean.

  4. because we tell them so many sheep jokes.

  5. Absolutely.

  6. idk why dod you wanna know so badly

  7. I understand this to be true. I don't know why, but think the Kiwis consider themselves a little better than Aussies.

  8. Kiwis and Aussies - roughest societal contingencies this side of the pinal colonies...

    I think they are competive like 2 siblings are competitive.

  9. no were actually really tight like brothers mainly because we both get picked on by the usa

  10. because of bigots like you !

  11. Hello!

    Australia and New Zealand go way back.

    I think it is a healthy rivalry.

    Called mateship.

    Take care!

  12. Kiwi's and Aussies' have always had their rivals, very competitive against each other no matter what the sport or topic……..  but it really is one big ongoing joke…going on for many many years now.. probably centuries

    Have lived in both countries myself.

  13. I'm  originally a NewZealander and are very privileged to be allowed to become an Australian now. yes there are lots of jokes but its all healthy banter . and yes we have rivallry between sporting groups but thats good as well .So what ever you hear either ignore or just say to your self that person is dilluded. England and Ireland have the same sort of thing. New Zealanders loved to come over here on holiday or to live and I have some super Aussie friends

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