
Is it true that people in The U.S.A don't get free health care?

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Do people in The U.S.A really not receive free health care?

In Australia we get free health care through a system where the government and are taxes pay for everyone's health care to a degree, you can get private cover though.

I'm always hearing about how in The U.S.A you don't get that, is that true?

Here we call it medicare. So regular gp's, dentists, optometrists etc. Um, we can get about any surgery too but there is awaiting list for free depending on necessity.

I heard that people on welfare get free health care which doesn't make sense.

I must add in Australia people on welfare get added health cover as well, they get cheaper medicine. So a medicine at $25 for a person not on welfare will cost someone on welfare about $5.




  1. yes

  2. no we dont we pay like 15 dollars for the going in to the doctors then we pay about a range to 45-110 dollars just for the whole visit. We have insurance that will help with things like cancer and more serious stuff but thats about it.


  3. We get free healthcare in the UK.

    The americans dont get it but they pay health insurance which would pay for them if they got hurt.

    We pay for ours through taxes though really.

  4. No, there is no "free" health care in America. People just don't want to pay more in taxes. It's a shame, though; people who really need help can't get it because they have no insurance.

  5. I am from canada and we dont have to pay for doctors vistits.  It is covered in our taxes aswell as hospital stay and surgeries.  I guess things are different in every country.

  6. yeah I'm Australian too, and i think the US should definitely bring in some kind of system!! why should those with the less 'classy' jobs not have the right to live>>haha i watched the Michael Moore Sicko.

  7. As an American, it is quite embarassing that we don't have universal health care here. Some senior citizens and the disabled are eligible for Medicare, but that only pays 80%, and coverage is often denied for some procedures. AND the medicare premiums are withheld from pension checks. Welfare doesn't necessarily qualify one for free medical care in the US. If you're low income and/or disabled you may qualify for MediCaid, which pays for 100% of most medical treatments and prescriptions. Many children are eligible for Medicaid. However, adults must be disabled or 65 to qualify for Medicaid. There are so many of us who are uninsured, and it's a shame. And if you have a pre-existing condition (or two) you're pretty much uninsurable. The premiums are outrageously expensive. I priced private health insurance for my family of four a couple years ago, and the monthly premiums were more than double my monthlty mortgage payment!

  8. That is true.  We gotta pay outta our own pocket--- it's a royal pain in the butt.

  9. Yes it is a morally revolting fact!

    In america there is no such things as healthcare, instead there is another system in place which  is called wealthcare. Basically according to wealthcare your wallet is a measure of your value as a human being. Though  it  is possible for the destitute to receive limited healthcare at no cost they must go to certain hospitals because private hospitals  simply will refuse to take them.  What they have is health insurance  plans meaning they give insurance companies ridiculously high percentages of their income and are 'covered' unfortunately to be acceptable to these companies you must have had absolutely  no health complications unless if you are rich. The poor aren't covered  meaning that if  they get sick or need and operation, there is a good chance they will die. I would advise you to watch micheal moores  film sicko it is very illuminating into this issue though it is depressing to think it's true.

    Ironically though the private sector claims it  will save people money, americans pay three times more then Canadians for healthcare and  canadians not only get  better healthcare, they all get healthcare

  10.   their is nothing free in america. I have health insurance through work but they didnt pay for all of my daughters bills. I ended up paying thousands of dollars and still owe even though I have insurance.

      the lawmakers in america feel we have too many people here.  they are trying their hardest to reduce our population.  

  11. its sad that in the us you could lose your home if you get canada we have free health care for those who can't afford it.and by the law even if you don't have health care they have to treat you.

  12. US doesn't have free health care for the masses, you have to fit under a certain profile to get it, I believe.  Normally you get health insurance from your place of work.  Otherwise, if you have an emergency and you go to the hospital, it's a hefty price just being admitted.

    Doctors visits, prescriptions...both for just a sinus infection could be around $150, at least for me it was when I didn't have insurance in Nevada.

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