
Is it true that people urinate in elevators?

by  |  earlier

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Well... O_o ?




  1. It is true. Some disgusting, drunk, ignorant , terrible people probably do that...

    Someone above mentioned s*x in elevator. What is so wrong with that??I mean, you don't leave any disgusting body fluids behind you after a quickie in elevator...

  2. Yes. In some foreign countrys there are actually urine sensors in the elevators.No joke.

  3. definitley, one of the dorm buildings I lived in at college had an elevator. No one went in it mondays at all because you could smell the urine from the idiots that got so drunk over the weekend that they couldn't control where they urinated.

  4. Well only drunk people do.

  5. lol yes and they haev s*x in them 2

  6. Yes. Hence the urine you see in lifts/elevator.

  7. I'd have no doubt.  There are probably people who even have s*x on elevators that are open to the public 24/7.

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