
Is it true that people who believe in the paranormal are usually not very smart?

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Is it true that people who believe in the paranormal are usually not very smart?




  1. Not true at all.

    I have a 4.0 and I strongly believe in the paranormal.

    Being intelligent or not very does not affect what you believe!

    Blessed Be.

  2. i don;t think that's true

  3. I don't know how an intelligent person could believe in the paranormal.

  4. Dr Harley Rutledge was the dean of the Physics Dept at South East Missouri State University from 1960something until 1990 something..

    Takes some smarts to get there.......

    Spent most of his free time(and some of his students)

    in a lawn chair in a county landfill monitoring UFOs refueling

    at a neighboring electrical tower......

  5. hmmm i have an iq in the gifted range and i believe in paranormal activity. so i think that notion should be tossed right through the window, i mean not all of us are mouthbreathing troglodytes.

    well ok maybe just the people that want to be mermaids.

  6. Why is it that people who think that they are "smart" discredit anything that they can not measure? I understand how logic is supposed to work.

    I work in medicine. I understand how science has to be able to test and evaluate. I understand how theories have to be replicated (reproduced), and controls and all of that good stuff. And I have a rudimentary (basic/elementary) understanding of physics...

    And I have a college degree!

    I still believe that there are things out there that defy logic. I am a spiritual person. I believe in God. I also believe that there are "ghosts" I really don't know what to call free spirits.

    I believe some people have psychic abilities. Though there are so many fake ones that it brings discredit to the real ones.

    I don't know that there are UFOs flying all around, but I feel that there is a good chance that some form of life could exist off the planet Earth. (Why would only one planet in the vast almost infinite universe be the only one to have life?)

    ***I am skeptical to most of the so-called UFO the same time why would they seek us out? There is a lot of space out there.

    I don't know how "smart" I am. I am as smart as anyone else is.

    So I guess I would say that that statement is more of an opinion. There are too many world religions out there and many very smart people who believe in the paranormal. Just because someone doesn't think like you, doesn’t mean that he or she is not smart.

  7. The problem with the paranormal is that there is so little 'foundation' or basis for many of the beliefs out there that its possible for people to believe just about anything, regardless of how possible or not it may be, without actually doing any of the prosaic, scientific grounding that would go along with it. Unlike a scientist, who can't really say the world is hollow inside and filled with ectoplasm, a paranormal researcher can 'push' the boundaries all the way to ludicrusosity (I know, a made up word, but the closest example I could think of at the time) and anyone else could say 'makes sense to me.'

    In other words, its alot easier to fake knowledge in a parnormal realm than it is in a scientific realm, although they are not in opposition or diametrically opposed, as some would think (if aliens do exist, they have to have some sort of biological mechanism allowing them to be who they are, which would be 'normal' for them,and thus knowable.)

  8. Depends on what you mean by "smart". Book smart or common sense smart? There's a big difference.

  9. On most occasions yes, becuase the person is not very smart it is easy to believe something that they have made up or heard. They do this because  they have made themselves believe it. Sounds to complicate for a stupid persont to but my little sister had herself thinking that Aang from the Avatar was real...

  10. Where'd you hear that?

    I wouldn't be surprised...

  11. Paranormal activity is very real, it heightens your senses, and if you research you can learn many things.. I consider people who have the gift to see and feel spirits to be wise, sometimes it is hard for humans to comprehend which is expected, for a long time I was in denial, I thought it wasn't real.  I have had many personal experiences with spirits, angels that have been amazing, as with any gifted person, darkness will alo try to invade you, in hopes you will lose your faith.

    I, and my mother are gifted, we aren't the only ones, everyone on this earth holds wisdom within themselves, pay attention to your intuition, and most of all trust in God.

  12. I know some smart people who kinda claim to believe in the paranormal, but I think it's really just a form of intellectual entertainment - a way to take a break from reality and indulge in the irrational, like an elaborate fantasy role-playing game. Occassionally, they will admit as much.

    Most people I have met who seriously do believe in this stuff all the time and spend time trying to prove it are usually pretty dumb or mentally unstable.

  13. it tends to be just the opposite

  14. I think people who believe in the paranormal are smart because anything is possible. I think there are things in this world that are undiscovered and what people don't know are scared sh*tless. It is fascinating to know others have this common interest in the unknown. As for me I think there are things out there that researchers haven't found yet and being native american, in our (Navajo) culture there are beings and creatures... good and bad.

  15. Excuse you!  Where would you ever get that idea?

  16. Well, unless a person is an atheist, they believe in something that is paranormal whether its Jesus, ghosts, God, whatever...

    So, if that's the case, most of the planet would not be very smart.  Statistically speaking, that is not possible.

  17. Well I'd say it relates to the other fact that the majority of the smartest people in the world are insane.

    No, your wrong and I hope it wasn't your personal opinion either. Most are actually beyond your comprehending, I'm sure you'd be amazed by how intelligent some paranormal believers are. If you only believe this because you yourself do not believe in the paranormal then maybe you should back up and think about who's the smart one now.

    What harm would it do to believe? No harm at all in my opinion, maybe if you or anyone else that doesn't gave it a chance you'd realize the truth and see for yourself.

  18. where the h**l'd ya hear that c**p?

  19. Well I have 2 Ph.D's and 4 Master Degree's.... So I guess that you are speaking thru a gas bubble when you asked this question............ So please forgive me for recommending that you pull your head out of your butt and breath the fresh air........... Before someone lights a match and blow your brains out......And yes I am among other things a paranormal researcher and investigator.......

  20. I don't believe people who believe in the paranormal are not smart.  I know some people who believe in the paranormal who are book smart and common sense smart.  That is just my opinion though.  Hope I helped.

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