
Is it true that people with borderline intellectual functioning are classified as specific learning disabled?

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in special education?




  1. it is up to teh discretion of the professionals and varies by state-

    doem states will include it in their definition of SLD

    Some will include it in their definition of OHI

    I have worked with children with autism that are classified as SLD in order to get an appropriate education.

    Students who are clearly emotionally disturbed (with bipolar/schizophrenia) will be classified as OHI instead of ED

    a person who is borderlien may also be served with Basic Skills Instruction of a 504 plan

  2. They can be, but often they do not meet the basic requirements.  The basic requirements are a little confusing but it is based on two tests usually.  (States have varying definitions and qualifications.)  The first test is an IQ test.  Usually this yields three scores.  A full scale score, a verbal score and performance (visual- based) score.

    The second scores are based on academic achievement.   Overall, math scores, reading scores, and writing scores are usually apart of this.  These could be a little more confusing, but I will leave it at this.

    What you are basically looking for is this a 15 point difference.  Here are some examples

    Full scale IQ score - Verbal score = 15 points or more - LD

    Performance score- Verbal score = 15 pts or more - LD

    Full scale- reading score = 15 pts plusLD in reading

    Full scale-math score=  15 plus points LD in math

    Kids on the borderline rarely have a score that would allow them to have a big enough difference to be certified as having an LD.    Sadly enough, these are the kids that are fall through the cracks the most.

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