
Is it true that ppl will do anyting for money?

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Is it true that ppl will do anyting for money?




  1. if plainly just for money, no.  If it is for a lot a lot of money in that person's view, sad to say, usually yes...  because in our modern society, one gotta admit money can do ALMOST anything and everything for you!

  2. well, if the offer of money is huge, why not?

    But to a certain extent, money can't buy you everything. People sure to have a thin line drawn to whether or not doing that certain things will get them the money that are beneficial to themselves.

  3. Have you ever watched fear factor? if NOT you should have.  They had people doing really gross things that would make you physically sick for day's if not weeks.  But if you are poor or just plain greedy then I guess you will do any-thing for $$$. That my friend is for those who are weak minded to work for it.  And are always trying to get fast free money, any way they can.

  4. Of course it is true of everyone.

    The bigger question is " What would you be willing to do and for how much?"

    I got up and went to work every day for many years for what I thought at that time was enough money for what I did.

    Ask me to do it today and I will want alot more money and do alot less

    We dont do everything for money but we will do most anything.

    We do most things in anticipation of some reward, wether financial,emotional,physical, or metaphysical.

    Suppose you wanted to hire a hit man.

    You offer a bad guy,$10,000.And he saysno.

    Does that mean he wont do it or that you have not offered enough?If you offer a million and he still says no?

    We all have a price depending on the thing we have to do.

  5. Not very true, or rather not anything.

    As for me

    I work hard to earn money.

    I'll move to other company if i am offer better pay.

    Money is very very important for ppl, especially in Singapore.

    Although I am hard up and dead broke. But......

    I will NOT betray my family and friends for $.

    I will NOT give up my life or organs for $.

    Regardless what is the amount.

  6. The saying goes - Monies is the root of all evils

  7. Hi! is true that people will do anything for money but on the flip side of the coin, there's always a heavy price to pay too.

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