
Is it true that primordial soup was actually cream of mushroom?

by  |  earlier

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(((vin))) I'm glad to see you! =0)




  1. Are you really as ignorant as you project yourself to be?

    Because that is just so, so sad.

  2. Yes

  3. Actually, this is a common misconception that has been going around since the early dawn of time.  Dilligent scientific study and double blind tests have conclusively determined that it wasn't a primordial soup at all.  It was a cheese cake that had been left out over night in a terribly hot apartment.  It melted all over the counter and ran down into the next apartment where it took on the look and consistency of primordial soup.  The Primordial Soup Company has been fighting this in the courts for years because, as you can imagine, it means a lot to their bottom line, which translates into shareholder profits.  Who knows if it will ever really be settled to the satisfaction of all concerned.  We'll just have to wait and see.

  4. yes, and primeval was actually cream of's about time someone get to the bottom of this  ;)

  5. No it had too much protein in it.

  6. No, it was actually  WALDORF SALAD!!!  


  7. I thought it was egg drop soup....  ;o)

  8. See, now you're just making me hungry.


  9. That is the silliest question I have ever heard!!! Everyone knows it is GOLDEN MUSHROOM!! DUH!!!

  10. Cream of mushroom soup is also the duct tape of the culinary world. It will hold anything together, but it won't be pretty.

  11. i heard it was cream of some young guy

  12. Yes, it was filled with THOSE kinds of mushrooms.  :-D

  13. Tomato

  14. It was Polish Amino (Acid) Bean Soup.

  15. Yes and did you know that bacteria are shaped the way they are because they evolved in a jello mold?

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