
Is it true that prisoners make liscence plates?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering.




  1. Apparently so

    Good Luck....

  2. Yes, in some places they do.  We also have a place nearby that also does fine furniture and woodworking.  Some mention making uniforms - I have never seen that.  Probably the most interesting occupational training I ever saw was a group of women prisoners who ran a hotel reservation call center.  

    People calling to reserve rooms at the chain's 800 # were routed to the women's prison. Women were given training on the hotel business aspect, but also on customer care, phone etiquette, problem solving, leadership & so on.  Sometimes the callers would have NO idea where they were calling and would chat with the operators, asking them where they would recommend they go for dinner - or how far to a tourist attraction.  The women would pleasantly say they were at a central call center in... oh Pennsylvania or something.  

    The good part is that THOSE are marketable skills to have when you get out.  Women went on to work at a variety of companies - airlines, hotels, AAA travel, ...just probably not banks!

  3. In some states they do.  The Oregon State Prison here has a huge furniture factory and they make all the clothing they use in the facility.  Saw a documentary a while ago that was pretty interesting.

  4. Yep.  They have to do something to pay for their keep.  One would think they burst rock all day, nope they stamp License plates.  Only the Trustees (good) prisoners.  Not all prisoners get to work in the metal shop.

    Good question. Hope you never have to make any.


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