
Is it true that pubic hair grows faster when peanut butter is applied to the pubic region?

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I overheard my brother talking to his friend about this, but after 2 months of trying this I still have not seen any noticeable improvement.




  1. ...Lol. I've never heard of such a remedy. Shaving it is your better bet - the hair grows back fuller.

  2. Your dog must love you.

  3. I bet you smell a bit strange down there.

  4. no but it is a proven fact that guys grow pubes going thru puberty just wait man until u hit it

  5. WTF are you serious!!!!  

  6. Try bleach instead.

  7. i think thats just something that fat horny girlfriends tell their bf,so they can have a snack without getting up from bed

  8. I did this for a while but nothing happened so I went back to using melted cheese

  9. Why do you want pubes so much anyway?? I have to shave mine off like once a month

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