
Is it true that.......?

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we cannot get rid of global warming, but only keep it from getting worse?




  1. We really can't get rid of it. There are so many things that we have to stop to end this. If we do there are going to be problems with food costs, gas prices, really everything. We can't get rid of it because Earth is going through climate changes so that will make the temperatures change all over.

  2. at the moment but who knows what future inventions are around the corner

  3. We've heard so much about it...but all the information comes from cheapskate politicos and junk scientists.  Global warming can't get worse because it never started and never will.  Just some lies and hype from weird lefty alarmist dudes.

  4. Global Warming doesnt exist, so no its not true.

  5. Depends on who you ask.

  6. You fall into a trap by concluding that it is worse.  Ask yourself why it is worse.  It is worse because leftist depend on you to accept that it is worse.  Is it worse for you personally if it is warmer at night or if the winter temperature is 42 degrees instead of 41 degrees.  Ask yourself why that is so much worse.  Ask yourself why anybody with common sense would fear a little moderation of the temperature, to the point where they are willing to set up huge government programs that will have little effect other than removing some cash from your wallet.

  7. One good volcanic eruption on the order of Mt. St. Helens, for example, releases more ozone depleting gas than all of the history of mankind. So I basically don't sweat it.

  8. thats rite....

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