
Is it true that .......?

by Guest62496  |  earlier

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L.S.D was invented to cure hunger...if so does it work....?....not having taken it myself




  1. LSD isn't addictive, get your facts right.

  2. It may reduce hunger but at what cost to one's mind, body and spirit.

    I know that much of the problems with addiction to LSD originated from experiments that were done to test uses and effects of the drug through universities. College students were often used as research subjects, many of them became addicted.

    The best cure for hunger is to eat small portions of nutritious food every two to three hours. This keeps you from feeling too hungry and over eating and keeps the blood glucose levels more steady. Eating foods high in fiber can make the stomach feel more full.

    Using a toxic, dangerous and addictive drug may mask hunger, will not cure it and will hurt the body mind and spirit. Bad idea to take it for any reason especially hunger.

  3. I agree with Michelle.

    if you want to "fight" hunger (which is a normal thing that we all feel--and healthy!), then eat smaller portions of healthy foods AND drink lots of water!

    Some people have good luck with incorporating spicy foods into their diet to help with hunger as well.

  4. LSD was created by the military in the effort to find a drug that would make men fight harder, and longer without stopping for food or rest.

  5. well i think that news that great almost the population of the world would know and i haven't heard of anything that intense

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