
Is it true that.....?

by Guest66893  |  earlier

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Is it true that Asian men have smaller penises than usual?




  1. Asian men penises are small but strong u know.

  2. Is that surprising ? The average asian is shorter than caucasians or blacks.  So wouldn't you think that their organs are proportionately smaller.  Proportionate 7% shorter +/-  so 7% shorter than average (5" to 7")  p***s = 4.65" to 6.5")  A negligible difference.

  3. YES it is true

    These people just don't want to admit it.

    I've seen lots of penises, probably over 10,000 in my lifetime.

    black and white are the biggest hands down

    mexican / indian (woot woot and dot dot) are smaller then white/black

    asian are the smallest averaging between 3-5" hard

  4. I'm black and Mexican my d**k is big not that big tho. probably because they are smaller guys .

  5. n why is that stupid question so important to u???

  6. its not true its just a stereotype.

  7. its a lie...just like black guys have lager p***s'

    the avg size of an adult p***s is 4 to 6 inches hard...

  8. don't know, but it ain't the size, its what can do with it.  

  9. thats what they say, but i havent gone looking!

  10. i have no idea, i just know about mine

  11. Now that's funny...

    Nationality doesn't really play to much into family jewels..but Body size you would think does.

    But you never know.. you always have those people looking at your hands and shoe size. So, to be curious is normal.. but to check out all the nationalities to see if Asian have small or Black men have big..nah. your on your own.

  12. It is another one of those myths , just like the one that all African Caribbean have huge ones

    They come in all shapes and sizes in every part of the globe !!

  13. That is what i heard, but no experience in this area!

  14. NO it ain't.

    That's just speculation.

    It all depends on U're GENES my friend.  

  15. yes, go look at the bodies exhibit in new york city. Their wangs are smaller than my pinkey finger.
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