
Is it true that right now it is Winter time in Australia??

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Is it true that right now it is Winter time in Australia??




  1. Yeah unfortunely..

    But in places like Queensland, further up North, they don't have winter and summer, they just have wet and dry season basically, its always warm up there, LUCKILY me and my family are going up there next week.

    Have a good summer! x

  2. Yep its true.. and today I am wearing a jumper.

  3. yes its winter

    cold but no snow here

    but gee wiz......its cold

    so if you coming over.....bring a jacket


  4. I take it you are from the northern hemisphere?  Basically seasons are opposite to yours (you have winter we have summer and vice versa, you have spring, we have autumn)

    The further south you go the more recognisable they are, although it doesn't snow a lot here, not at all in most places.

    Darwin has three basic seasons hot and dry, a build up season were everyone goes troppo and hot and wet.

    Northern Queensland has warm and hot although the locals the winters are winters.  Non locals are obvious as they swim and wear summery clothes in winter.

    Southern Queensland has four seasons, but winters are comparitively mild (10 to 20 C), the summers are long and hot and there are two in-between seasons where it is neither hot nor cold.

  5. Yes, and for all countries in the Southern hemisphere.

  6. Yes it is winter and it is F, ing COLD!!! seriously, i think this years winter is probably the coldest since Australia was discovered. (;3;) < sorta sad cos my mum just bought ice blocks and a tub of ice cream that was on special but it's too cold to eat! (>O<)

  7. Yes, it's true that it's winter everywhere in Australia in June, July and August, but I'm lucky emough to live in Queensland and it's still warm here during the day. I agree with Britinoz that it was a bit cold last night, though we still had our windows open. I've been in a t-shirt all day but just put a sweater on (mid afternoon) and that's fairly unusual here.

  8. Yes. It's true.

    If you don't believe me - come over to where I am, southern New South Wales. It was only 13 º C during the day today and I think it's going to be about 0º C tonight (or lower)


  9. Winter in Sydney is much much colder than it was last year. Last year's winter was pretty much spring weather!

  10. Indeed it is :) although it was quite sunny today ...

  11. yes its true and brrrr its cold tonight

  12. Yes it is winter here and it gets pretty cold at times.

    I got the heater on right now its been very windy for the past few days in Sydney.

  13. Yes it is wintertime in Australia right now.

  14. Yes it is Winter now, even here in QLD.  Winter began on June 1st, and lasts for 3 months.

    It got cold last night, and we even had to close the windows during the night.  I think it went down to about 5.0 °C overnight, which is very cold for us!  I think it was our coldest night so far.

    But during the day we can still sit outside reading the Sunday paper at 2pm with a temp of 23 centigrade in the shade.

    Sun screen is still needed out in the sun.

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