
Is it true that scientists predict that the planets will align in 2012?

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Is it true that scientists predict that the planets will align in 2012?




  1. No, there is no significant planetary alignment in 2012. There is  a "sort of" alignment of the Earth Sun and plane of the Milky Way, but it is of no significance, since it happens twice every year. In the source is a detailed illustrated article I've written on it.

  2. The planets have aligned a few years back. No big deal.

  3. Scientists have made no such prediction. This is something that can be easily checked. See

    No alignment there. Even when they do align, it's probably interesting to look at but has absolutely zero effect on Earth.

  4. As the others said, no scientists (at least none in a relevant field) makes that claim.

    As a general advice, whenever someone claims "Scientists say so" ask for specific names, and when and where they said it.

    Usually those who make those claims are making it up.

  5. Nope. No special alignment.



  6. Well, fossil evidence shows that our species has been here for more than 26,000 years. If it is the case that there's some sort of 26,000 year wobble (I'll have to look that up) I doubt that it will have any affect on us.

    Besides, why should we trust the Mayans on the end of the world (they used to think you have to sacrafice a person at the end of each cycle, and we're not going to do that)? They didn't predict the end of their own civilization.

  7. well first off the world will not end the planet will just complete it's 26,000 year wobble on its axis. some say this might cause a polar shift.

  8. great use of the Starry Night to squash some of the rumors..... well done!.... read and look, folks... that's SCIENCE to depend on, not some goofy end-of-the- world GUNK!!!.....

  9. No, the planets will not align. What will happen on that date are two things...

    1. The Earth completes a 26,000 year wobble on its axis.

    2. The Sun will align with the center of the Milly Way Galaxy.

    The rest of the planets will be in their appropriate positions. Who knows what that will mean for us, because we have never been around for this to occur.

  10. i have found that the people who predict the end of the world end up looking really dumb

  11. I dunno. But 2012 is when a part of the Maya calendar stops and another one begins. They did not predict an apocalypse.

  12. If you are asking if they will form up in a straight line out from the Sun, the answer is no.

    Astrologers (not astronomers) who say that the position of the planets has an influence on our lives, making us rich or lucky or whatever, will seize on any case where one planet passes another or comes close to another as seen in the sky from Earth. Some people call these occurrences alignments. But they happen all the time and in reality mean nothing. You can use the tools in the 2 sources to show the planet's positions for any date you like and look for yourself.

  13. Plenty of other people have, but no real scientists.

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