
Is it true that smart ppl choose jobs with real shortages?

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like nursing and stuff. I'm not into the medical field i want to own my own business and sell cool product or study for film

i know that sounds kind of selfish but its what I'm interested in,

i know that a lot of ppl are interested in the same things so there wont be any shortages with these jobs, so will i regret it later in life?




  1. I guess I'm not very smart but I do enjoy what I do. If money is important, go for the fields with shortages. If enjoying life is more important, do what you love.

  2. Someone once said that, "It is only work, if you'd rather be doing something else."

    So choose something that you have an interest and a passion in doing.  Your days will fly by and working won't be a drudge but interesting.

    Other people may choose jobs where there is a shortage, because it is the old Law of Supply and Demand.  If there aren't many people with the desire or knowledge to do a job, then the qualified person will command a higher salary and have better job security in their profession.

    Good luck with the decision.

  3. There are too many people in the field I'm in for the number of available jobs, but I get to have 8 months off a year if I want and spend my money wisely.   I'd rather have that than work long hours all year long.    Do what you want; its your only life, so make use of it as you see fit.

  4. The truth is many people go to school for one thing and never end up doing it. Shortages now wont be in the future. My advice is if you have a good idea for a business draw up a business plan get a loan and do it. If you work for yourself you cant get fired.

  5. it doenst matter but go to college! i know u hear alot of great stories of those who made big even thought they dropped out of highschool but thats VERY RARE. a college degree is a strong saftey net that can help you for the rest of your life

  6. It is not important what I am interested in, so much as what can I contribute a lot while earning a living.

    If one looks only for fields with shortage and does not consider whether one has aptitude and inherent ability, then one does not serve oneself or society. If one considers only what is interesting, without considering whether it is a great service to society, one is likely to regret that because it leads to unemployment.

    So balance your choice among things at which you can excel and which are needed. Within that long list of work options, choose something that is interesting.

    The person who works for oneself is the person most often fired.

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