
Is it true that smoking weed makes u smarter?

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my friend told me of studies that it induces neurogenesis.




  1. weed does not kill brain cells

  2. No, THC kills brain cells

  3. agree with uncle has smoked it for over 30 years..having massive problems now with mental health issues which the doctors have put down to the dope...

  4. What good to you are 10 new neurons when you've just lost 120?

    No seriously, whatever effects it might have in laboratory tests, there is no evidence with users that it makes them smarter. If CAN make them addicted and CAN make them paranoid. If someone wants to use an illegal substance they should have the courage not to make weak excuses for doing so. Just do it.

  5. It doesn't make you smarter but it can make some people focus more (or make them think they can focus more) when they are high.  It also causes people to think differently and have some "smart" thoughts so depending on the person it might make you seem smarter but you aren't actually smarter just because you smoke.

  6. No way.

    I kills your brain cells.

  7. Your friend is trying to justify a lifestyle with no benefits. Marijuana leaves holes in your brain. It most certainly does NOT make you smarter.

  8. What a load of rubbish.......over use/abuse of anything has an adverse effect on the also punches hole in your aura

  9. I went out with someone who smoked this. It was the most sole destroying 2 years of my life. It really upsets me when people say cannabis is harmless. They changed personality frequently and what they wanted the relationship was on an off. They would be randomly really nasty and cruel and then deny ever behaving like that not because they were lying but they could not remember! So then he would accuse me of lying and not trust me. I thought I was going mad! I have never in my life experienced anything to awful. They play mind games with you too. He did not get smarter he changed in other ways. He had no memory to speak of he would have hazy days and would forget to eat It sucks up your money, they speand all there money on cannabis and they become dependent. He never once bought me a birthday present I would stupidly buy him a present he would always ask me waht I wanted but I realsie noe that he was only manipulating me so he could get stuff out of me because then I would think we are buying presents and would buy him something and he would just say he forgot. Eaither that or he could not be bothered to go to a shop. It also makes them not want to go out.  I told him about my brother going to fight in Afghanistan in thr RAF he was behaving like an idiot treating me really badly and I he said a few weeks later that he forgot my brother was fighting!!!! He was really self centred naturally and this only heightened it.

  10. Smoking either weed or tobacco interferes with the effectiveness of the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems thus leading to a higher destruction of nerve cells than usual.  It does not improve the chemical means which result in higher intelligence and memory recall.

  11. Don't know about that. But i can tell you it will eventually ruin your life through paranoia

  12. whoever has mentioned this too you has miss lead you completely infact weed does the oppisit... it fries your brain cells.

  13. if you want  the alphabet to go acqwnfgtyz in front of a cop then yes if  you dont what that to happen no

  14. makes u more creative so in away i think it makes u smarter.

  15. first off whoever is saying that it kills brain cells is poorly mistaken it kills the synapses in your brain which give you a slower reaction and in time can damage you but it has also been shown if you say smoked for a few years when you where in hs 20 or so years down the road those blocked  synapses can become unblocked. believe me im not for it but please people before you type think about where you are getting your resources from

  16. thats a good question

    what it does is it slightly increases alpha waves which have to do with meditation, relaxation, and creativity.

    it also changes your thoughts, perceptions, and information processing. it makes you look at things from a different perspective.

    as far as neurogenesis goes they had a study on this in 2005 and they found out that marijuana promotes new cell growth in the brain but this was only tested on rodents... but who knows it might work on humans'll just have to try it yourself.. they also found out that THC has a nueroprotective effect by blocking certain enzymes that cause Alzheimer's disease.

    so your friend was right.

    cheers xD

  17. No, of course not. It makes many people, myself included, blithering idiots. The rest are more mildly impaired.

    Nor does it make you more creative. It makes you think that what you're doing is creative, even when it stinks. Those who think it's making them more creative should look at or listen to what they've done some time when they're not high, if there ever is such a time.

    By the way, whoever thought it made your boyfriend nasty -- unlikely. It just isn't that kind of drug. If your boyfriend was nasty, he was probably that way to begin with.

  18. no, but it wont really make you dumber, either.  Not unless if you smoke weed from a young age, like 13.  Marijuana stops brain maturating/growth, meaning if u smoke it while your still growing up, you'll stay a immature lil punk and your brain wont develop well.  Besides that, marijuana hurts your lungs, but then again there are some benefits to weed as well.  Weed increases the metabolism, and can calm down many people with much problems in their lives.  Either way, the answer to the q is no, it doesn't make you smarter, but it doesn't really make you dumber, either.  Weed is illegal for the government to make lots of money, just like other things..

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