
Is it true that some black people still have tails because of "latent evolution"?

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I am from Lynchburg, Virginia, and my 6th grade science teacher told me that this was sometimes true. I have never seen a tail on a black person but I guess it could be true.




  1. um...NO....your teacher is a bigot

  2. Clayton, Clayton, Clayton: This is called a coccyx and serves no purpose, as with the appendix, an expendable body part. Another is the Tonsils.

        I have no idea why some teachers still insist on using our children to create racism here. I believe there's enough problems in this Country without fueling them.

        Bring this up with your parents, see if they're interested in reporting this, wrongful information, to the school board. I wouldn't want my children taught wrongful things.

  3. Oh, Lynchburg, the things that happen in your town!

    Just kidding, no black people are not evolutionally behind white people, and people do not have tails. That is one ignorant teacher you've got on your hands.

  4. definitely not! your teacher is a racist!!

    however, once in my HISTORY class, my teacher told me that long long time ago, we humans were just animals like every other animals, and we ALL DID have tails. if you turn around facing your back to the mirror, you might see 2 thin lines on your lower back pointing down towards your butt crack (looks like unparallel line) . that is where the tail was.

  5. That's an uneducated question - No.

  6. Question authority.

    You have access to the world at your fingertips.

    Don't believe all you read on the 'net either.

    You have an organic computer perched on your neck. Use it.

    You may want to take on an independent study of logic and the logical fallacies to learn how not to argue statements.

  7. This is untrue as stated, especially the c**p about latent evolution. However, I had a friend back in middle school who was born with a sixth toe on each foot. It was way up the ankle. He was white, though.


  9. And you believed him?!

    White people can have tails too. Didn't you see the movie "Shallow Hal" with Jack Black. His buddy had a cute little wagging tail.

  10. your teacher is a dumbass.  an irresponsible moron using their status as teacher to create more racist idiots.  people are the same.  there is more biological difference within a given race than between them.  we all have the tail...your 'tail bone' ever heard of it?  probably not in the joke for an education you are receiving.  don't let this 'teacher' devalue others.  tell your parents, tell your principal, fight back.  being a teacher is too important to let him/her get away with this kind of c**p.  besides, if they want to teach garbage they should be in kansas teaching creationism.

  11. You need to rent and watch "The Real Eve" (a special from the Discover Channel.)

    DNA proves that every single human being on this planet, black, white, yellow or red, shares the same great grandmother 150,000 years removed.  Its not theory; its a proven scientific fact!  We are all related!!!

    Your teacher is an ignorant racist.  NO black people are born with tails, because if they were, we would be too!!  The human race stems from Africa.  

    Watch this show - it will really open your eyes.

  12. how can we ever know if you're a lying little brat??

  13. Around the time of WW 1 ,..The scientists said:that black people was evolved apes;&it was actually widely believed! then, the scientists said: "Hey we was Wrong! ALL people are Evolved Apes!"

    Science is the new religion!(because people just 'Believe' WHATEVER the Scientists say!)

    If the scientists say "It's actually HEALTHIER to:Stuff the food up your r****m&defecate from your mouth! and this is based upon:NOTHING!"

    The scientist SAID SO! So,.........WILL u do that?????????????

  14. Hi Clayton.  ALL human beings have a 'residual' tail.  It is called the coccyx.  Even your teacher has one!

  15. All the races, black or white or yellow, can sometimes produce an offspring with a 'vestigial' tail on the newborn infant.  This is not specific to those of African descent but to all people everywhere.  Doctors usually remove this bit of 'tail' at birth.

  16. Get over it. He just told you he was a science teacher. He'd be in the Klan but I don't think he'd be smart enuff. You've got yourself a racist 6th grade teacher there, don't buy a word of it.

  17. Actually, the ***** race is one of the most recent.  Their skin is dark to help absord excess ultraviolet in the tropical African sun but there is nothing primitive about them.  It is true that all races have been evolving together and interbreeding somewhat.   We are but one species.  There are certain environments such as tropical Africa that insure that certain characteristics are favored.  They may have more melanin and a couple other characteristics, but you might be shocked, given your willingness to accept such stupidity from your teacher, that the difference between you and them is next to nothing except they probably average much higher in intelligence.

  18. If this is true its just sad. Report this man to principle so they can fire him.

    The teacher is trying to warp peoples mind knowing people you age will believe almost anything. Even more coming from an adult you should be able to trust.

  19. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.  Seriously, if your teacher said that, he/should she be fired.  You should tell your parents, who will hopefully tell a school administrator.

    In case you don't already know this, the only difference between black and white people, or any races for that matter, IS THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN.  We've all "evolved" at the same rate, though I do question your science teacher's evolution and wonder if he/she is still back in the Neandrathal stage!

  20. Hope you enjoy your next unit on creation science.

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