
Is it true that some people just CAN'T DANCE?!!?

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my brother and i started ballroom dancing at the same time and it just didn't work...he would be told something over and over and over and still he couldn't get it. while the moves came very easily to me. can some people truly NOT dance?




  1. well, i think some people have a hard time following choreogrpahy and remembering the moves, and going at the right counts and so on. that's if you wanna get into the technicality of it. but i think anyone can dance however they want. it doesn't have to be professionally or taken seriously you can just dance in front of your mirror and be a total spaz but it's still dancing. and people who dance just for fun might love it just as much as a professional dancer. so... i don't know. your brother can probably dance but he can't follow steps. but he can dance to his own beat, so to speak. haha!

  2. yes

    some people truly have no conception of how to move to a rhythm and have a very hard time programming muscle memory

  3. ever heard the term "two left feet"?

    Yeh, that's me.

  4. Yes, I am one of them. To be able to dance, a person needs a bit of coordination, and RHYTHM. If you can't get your feet/body to do what your brain is telling it, you don't have the coordination. Rhythm comes naturally--at least in my opinion. Maybe your brother would be better at some other form of dancing--like tap or contemporary. Ballroom dancing may be the HOT type of dancing nowadays (thanks to the tv shows "Dancing with the Stars" and "So You Think You Can Dance"), but there are literally thousands of other types your brother could excel at.

  5. Its only my own experience but I believe that some people just cant relax into dancing.  Its a performance anxiety thing.

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