
Is it true that someone counts every strand of grass on a tennis pitch before the game is played???

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Is it true that someone counts every strand of grass on a tennis pitch before the game is played???




  1. Yes. I did it once. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is. You never get it on the first attempt, because you lose count. It takes at least half a day to count it accurately. On that day, there were 1,345,332 strands on grass on center court.

  2. I'm afraid not. But they do cut the grass very carefully. Oh and by the way, it's called a tennis COURT, not a pitch.

  3. lol. i've never heard of them around

  4. Yes, but he's got to be SO careful. If there's even one blade too many, Wimbledon will be cancelled. Now that's what I call pressure...

  5. Are you there, vodka?  It's me, Bambi.

  6. is that why they call you bambi

  7. Look up the word gullible - get it tattooed on your forehead x

  8. No, it's not true.

  9. yup, they count a strand and then chop it off completely to ensure they don't recount it.

    seriously, no one does :)

  10. Yes they also count hairs on the players arms and head before a match too.

  11. oh yes.

  12. lol Yes ofcourse they do ;) ! btw this is xno1rafafanx! I had to make a new account :( cause Yahoo was being g*y.!!!

  13. Yes Bambi Wimbledon hires lil boys from 3rd world countries to count the blades then lets them eat any excess that are over and above the alotted number per court. It's a real delicacy in some countries that don't have food or grass.

  14. yes and if theres to many they have to pluck them out.

  15. yes there little weirdos called the grass counters, but there illusive like the people that put the big ad posters up round town you never see them strange :)

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