
Is it true that starting next year ,people will need passaport to enter to the united states ?

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Usually if you are a citizen ,all you have to show is legal document or identification that not neccesarly have to be the passaport , but if that is true , then I probablly will have to go and request it and I don't want to do it , all what that is is more money out of my pocket ,and I am trying to save money , if you guy know of a link ,related to this topic , will be great thanks to all of you!!!




  1. yeah it sucks i gotta get mine again man they suck

  2. You have enough money to travel out of the country routinly. Yet you worry about the cost of a passport?

    but you can find out all you need to know at the below link.

  3. Yes it is true. Its called the western hemisphere travel initiative. If you leave the country on a cruise or whatever, you need to show a passport to get back in.

  4. yes it is going to start in december in the last week but they are taking it since june because my uncle's friend went over there about a month ago and now he can't come back because he doesn't have a passport.

  5. ya it's true, i live in new mexico and regularly go to mexico and drink but that will stop when they make us get our passports.

  6. albert that is not new information u have always had to have a passport to enter this country legally. This law had been broken so much people treat it as if it didnt exsist, this in no means is something negative to anyone who is hear illegally to work and support their family. love ya alll

  7. Yes and no. Others have cited the passport requirements. Remember, most things like this involve reciprocity. The post 9/11 changes are requiring foreigners arriving from Mexico, Canada and Bermuda to have a passport. So these places are requiring the same documents from Americans. Thus, you will need your US passport to visit there. And one hopes that you'll have your same passport when you return.  Bottom line- if you can convince the DHS/CBP officer that you're a US Citizen, you can be admitted.

    Passports just make life simpler for CBP. Compare the situation where you present a passport for admission to earlier, when you could flash your driver's license and certified birth certificate as proof of identity and citizenship.One document just is simpler.

    And FWIW, I've secondaried people who gave me US passports (to verify their identity), so a passport is no guarantee that the person will just sail through border formalities.

    To answer you precisely, you'll not need a passport to enter the US, but you'll need one to enter any other country, so you'll probably have your passport when you get back.

  8. Yes.  And REALID act has federalized your drivers license, and check out the Social Security website to see the new proposals for photo-social security cards with RFID chips.

    Welcome to the 21st century.

  9. Dude, you ALWAYS have to show your passport to get back into the States.   Where have you been?    About ten years ago, you could cross the border from Canada with just ID, but I've never been anywhere else that hasn't required a passport, and to cross from Canada into the States started requiring a passport after 9/11.

  10. You are one of the lucky ones, where I live now, I have to have a passport to enter Walgreens.

  11. I've always shown my passport, so I'm clueless.

  12. Well, you need a passport to GO out of the united states, even to Canada starting soon, so it would make sense that you would need one to get back IN. A passport is a legal documontation.

    You only need a passport if your planning to leave, because if you dont leave, you dont need to get back in.

  13. yes

  14. If you are a citizen of Canada, US, or Mexico, you already need a passport to enter the US by air (or leave, if you are traveling internationally from a US airport).

    Until 31 December 2007, you can still get by using proof of citizenship (which may be passport, birth certificate, and/or naturalization papers) AND photo ID (which may be passport, US or Canada driver's licence, or military ID) to travel by land or sea.

    As of approximately June 2008, you will need a passport regardless of the means of transportation (air, land, or sea) to enter the US; it could easily be January 2008 to enter Canada or Mexico ... their actual implementation dates are still a little vague, even though their posted requirements show January.

    If you are a citizen of any other nation, you already require a passport to enter the US regardless of the means of transport.

  15. It is true.

  16. perhaps you are talking about Mexico, Canada and the Bermudas here? otherwise, you always had to have a passport entering the USA,citizen or not,if you went overseas,you could not leave without a passport,and certainly not re-enter without one,

    here is the new law about Mexico,Canada,Bermuda:


    Implemented on January 23, 2007, ALL PERSONS traveling by air between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean region are required to present a passport or other valid travel document to enter or re-enter the United States.


    The following summarizes information available on the Department of Homeland Security’s website.

    JANUARY 31, 2008

    U.S. and Canadian citizens will need to present either a WHTI-compliant document, or a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver’s license, plus proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate. DHS also proposes to begin alternative procedures for U.S. and Canadian children at that time.

    SUMMER 2008

    At a later date, to be determined, the departments will implement the full requirements of the land and sea phase of WHTI. The proposed rules require most U.S. citizens entering the United States at sea or land ports of entry to have either a U.S. passport; a U.S. passport card; a trusted traveler card such as NEXUS, FAST, or SENTRI; a valid Merchant Mariner Document (MMD) when traveling in conjunction with official maritime business; or a valid U.S. Military identification card when traveling on official orders.if you wish to read more information? go to this page:

    i cannot imagine not having a passport,i have two citizenships, and keep both passports up to date at all times,i make sure neither are expired.

    all my life i had you not travel at all? there are many beautiful countries to visit,you are missing so much,i know the USA is big :-) but still.........

  17. Yes, you will soon need a passport to get into the United States....unless you are Mexican and can climb a wall (joke). You can pay the regular price, which used to be about fifty bucks but is higher now, or you can pay about four times that to have it expedited.  

    Our relaxed association with Canada has ended. I used to cross from Detroit to Windsor and all I had to know was my name.

    The problem is the huge number of trucks traveling from one country to another. I presume they are working on this.  Here, we also have a great number of people who work on the other side of the river. At the moment, there are fast lanes for people with some kind of pass to get through. I don't know if this will be continued.

    One problem is....all of the 9/11 terrorists had passports.

  18. Yea.

  19. Look at for info on passport requirements.  Depending on where you are arriving from, and how you are arriving (car, plane, ship) in many situations you already need a passport.  And yes, at some point you'll need one no matter where you are coming from, even driving in from Canada.

    If you are trying to save money and don't want to get a passport, don't travel out of the US.

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