
Is it true that the 3rd Temple will come down from the sky?

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Someone said that when she answered this question:;_ylt=AsQ._KvEl7WF4R56CAEEKxP.7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20080807201341AA22Hc8




  1. no, religious mythology is nothing more than stories that have somehow made it through into modern era.  with all the scientific understanding of the world around us, i don't see how anyone could continue to believe these old fashioned stories designed to explain why things like thunder, lightning, volcanoes and earthquakes happen.

  2. Lupines  is right

  3. no

  4. Yes and it will crush that malignagnt tumor of a structure that has grown on top of the Temple Mount beneath it.

  5. Some things are figure of speech and that is how I viewed that statement.  I believe that I leave these details up to G-d and that is what I think the person also meant but I don't know you just have to personally ask them to clarify what they believe whether it should be taken literal or figurative.  So with that statement then sure it can happen that way anything is possible under G-d.

    The 3rd Temple will come when Moshiach arrives people will beat swords into plowshares and everything that stands in the way of this will be abolished by the hand of G-d and also because people will WANT to do these things not because there is huge battle. That is my peaceful approach and what I truly believe.  

    Regarding specifics, I honestly have not pondered the scenario too much past that as it is not a huge thing for me when I leave things in G-d's hands I just wait for Moshiach to happen like most everyone else.

  6. That may well be the Jewish perspective, I don't know.

    In the Christian tradition the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city, will come to earth from heaven itself and will have Christ's throne in it.

    There is controversy as to whether this city comes to earth or orbits.  God will return to the earth and live in the New Temple once cleaned and santified as it has been done in the past .  The Desolation of Abomination again.

    When He touches ground at the Mt. of Olives the city will be split with the Temple being raised to the top of Mt. Zion.

    In either case the Temple will be built by the Jew with the agreement of the Muslims and the New World leader ( Anti-Christ).

    I don't think it will be necessary to destroy the mosque.  That will happen when Jerusalem is raised.

    Many say that the Temple has to be built on the Temple Mt. but there is a school of thought that it could be returned to Shiloh.

    Really if you look at all three of the major religions they say the same things in different ways and points of view.

    I can provide some good study links if you like.  Just email me.  I'm always open.

  7. I only know what it says in the book of Revelation, that the New Jerusalem will come down out of the heavens.  That would be the entire city.  The book of Revelation is short, you might want to read it.  It is the last book in the bible.

  8. This is one accepted opinion. The quoted view is based on a Midrash that was later discussed by Rashi (1040-1105 C.E). This particular Midrashic perspective explains " . . . that the Third Temple will not be rebuilt by Man. Rather, it has already been built in Heaven by G-d and will descend miraculously at the appointed time."

    On the other hand, Maimonides (1135-1204)

    noted "that the Third Beit haMikdash will be rebuilt by the  . . . Messiah. The Rambam even indicates that this is one of the proofs to positively identify the Mashiach -- the one who gathers all the dispersed of Israel, wages war against the enemies of Israel, and rebuilds the Third Temple. The Rambam then maintains that the Third Beit haMikdash will be built by Man  . . . ."

    There are other views. For those interested, this article explains the debate.

    For now, we accept that we'll only know for sure once the Messiah comes.

  9. My dear Jewish Moustafa, you watch far too many ski-fi movies.

    Nothing of this sort will happen the way you describe it.

    Everything spoken in the Apocalypse is of a mental value.

    No space ships, no laser lights no bricks and stones.

    The 2nd coming of Jesus will be inside our minds and souls.

    I believe that this will be when humanity will presented to choose between two choices.

    The choice of good and the choice of evil.

    Let's wait and see, until then I suggest you try and be a good human being. That's the answer to your question.


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