
Is it true that the 60GB PS3 is having more problems than the other PS3s?

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Apperently, GTA IV isn't working that well on it. Is there any problems I should know about?




  1. GTA IV works fine on the 60gb ps3.  If people are having hardware problems they can send it to sony under their warranty service.

  2. i have the first round 60gb its fully loaded. not sure what they took out later but im being told mine is kinda rare now. anyway i have gta4 and have had no problems whatsoever.

  3. My 60gb is fine GTA 4 is fine on mine.I haven't heard it's the worst or anything like that.

  4. The 60 GB ps3's and the 20 GB ones are the only ones that have this problem read the description

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