
Is it true that the AGW alarmist are devious liars who are plotting against the government?

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Is it true that the AGW alarmist are devious liars who are plotting against the government?




  1. In one word... YES

  2. Perhaps if you provided your definition of "AGW alarmist" it would be possible to answer your question.  

    If by "AGW alarmist" you mean the 1000's of climate scientists around the world that publish their research (much of it summarized in the IPCC report) in professional peer reviewed scientific journals and are becoming increasingly concerned, then the answer would clearly be "NO".  

    If by "AGW alarmist" you mean some radical splinter environmentalist group that's probably condemned by Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and virtually every other main-stream environmental group in the country, then the answer is "yes".

    But if you're really just an unemployed troll pretending to be a Doctor who likes to throw out baseless accusations for kicks, then the answer would be "grow-up".


    Magnus - LOL. If the politicians would actually accept what the scientists have been saying/writing for the last 10 years, the climate research money would end (so much for your baseless accusation against 1000's of honorable scientists).  Once everyone's convinced AGW is real and we need to significantly reduce CO2 emissions, that funding would be directed to new energy technologies.  If the scientists wanted to extend their funding, they'd say "we really don't know if humans are causing it or not". But they aren't saying that, are they?  Nope, they're saying there's over a 90% confidence level that humans are responsible.

  3. No.  They are useful idiots for devious liar politicians (you know who).

    Greens were born yesterday.

  4. No as the alarmist are the conformist who are working for the government to limit individuals freedom and to take more money from them by increasing their taxes.

    During the 1960's they were called the "Establishment".

  5. YES The Democrats have done everything they could possible do to aid the enemy. They are presently blocking the drilling for new oil ..  

  6. Are you serious???

    There are drugs that can help, just see a real doctor.

  7. Ken, do you think $5 billion dollars in government grants to study the effects of global warming has anything to do with your idea of consensus?

  8. not quite, the AGW alarmists are liars that are plotting with the government

  9. Fascinating. Usually the far right wackos say it's the government's devious scheme. This is a new take. Congrats.

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