
Is it true that the Americans flush their toilet paper down the toilet?

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Is it true that the Americans flush their toilet paper down the toilet?




  1. Guest45176

    Waste of water?  Lol. No we flush it with the s**t you dumbass

  2. Hey, so I was googling to see if other cultures do it because I've run into the same problem twice.

    Our room mate and I had to have a very awkward conversation... it basically said

    "So, are you putting your used toilet paper in the bin"

    "Yes, of course"

    "Of course! What do you mean of course?"

    "Of course I put it in the bin, where else would I put it?"

    "In the toilet!"

    "No, are you crazy, you don't put it in the toilet"

    "Of course you do!"

    Now we have a new room mate who is doing the same thing and we gotta have the same conversation. Very odd from someone from a western country

  3. Apparently it is. No waste basket next to the toilet. It's crazy. A lot of waste of clean water. A proper closed waste basket doesn't let any smell come out. It is much more ecologically friendly.

  4. ummmm... we do too where are you from kiddo
    were from england

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