
Is it true that the Detroid goal didn't count because his butt was in the crease or was that just Babcock talk

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The one thing thats so funny about Mike Babcock id he always seems so angry. He's never in a good mood. He looks like someone who would never be happy (even if they won the cup) common Mike Babcock put on a smile when your boys win.

But I'm still wondering if what Mike Babcock said was true or he was just pissed of, Because if it is the referees have series problems. Did they meger with a ruler?




  1. His butt wasn't in the crease, TSN showed an overhead replay over and over and over again.

  2. I think he said that because that was the call in the Anaheim game earlier this season that lost the game for the Wings. The goal would have tied or won it late in the game but Holmstrom was near the crease and his butt connected with JS Giguere and was disallowed. And it's not that he is still living in the past but when something so similar happens you're allowed to have an angry and sarcastic flashback during an interview.

    Wings fans say it was Giguere making the connection on purpose. Holmstrom has radar in his butt though because he can get pretty close and has good control of himself so it's never him making the connection with the goalie.

    This goal however was called off for no reason other than picking on the Red Wings. How else are you supposed to describe it?

    Dan O'Halloran was a referee in both games.

  3. That was such a bad call =\

  4. Yep. According to the refs, his butt was in the crease. They showed the replays and it clearly wasn't. Even it was, I've never seen the refs cancel a goal for a butt in the crease. About Mike Babcock looking angry all the time, I think he's just a really focused guy that believes in putting on your game face. But if the Wings win the cup this year, I think he'll be more excited than any of those players. He's been waiting a long time to win that thing and come pretty close a few times. I remember when he coached the Ducks, watching them lose game 7 of the finals to the Devils and actually feeling sorry for them.

  5. hahaha. yeah i like watching bab's reactions.

    i just heared this morning on the sports channel talkshow that it was a knee jerk reaction because holmstroms butt was in the crease. hahaa. i think his shadow was too.

    anways and the nhl comish and many others like him still think the call was valid (idiots)...but i guess it was a karma thing for the stars cause of the goal detroit got with holm's skates in the crease...and a shift before the goal in game 4, he had crashed the net/was bunked down in turco's crease.

  6. It was just a bad call, but a close one.  He was out of the crease, but the game is over.  I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that they made that call because of a game earlier where Detroit got a goal when there was actual interference and it could have changed the momentum of the game, but really its not going to change the outcome of the series.  The Wings are still up in the series and they can close it out at home with the next game.  Considering there's nothing that can be changed he should probably just focus on closing out the series, but that's just my .02 cents.

  7. His butt was not in the crease, it was a bad call.  Kinda funny what you think about Babcock, my daughter says he looks like a chicken when he turns his head so fast.

  8. Really bad call. Video reply showed it should have counted.

  9. It's true that they didn't count the goal because of "goalie interference" caused by his butt. The officiating during this year's playoffs has been questionable and inconsistent to say the least.

    Also, according to various articles I've read, Holmstrom has a reputation for going to the net and making life as difficult as possible for the goalie. Therefore, this could be considered a "reputation call." I'm glad Dallas won the last game, but I don't want to see them or anyone else win because of officiating. However, I have a sad feeling that poor officiating will continue to affect the Cup finals.

  10. yeah he cant help he has a big butt

  11. Yeah...its true. Theres a fine line called officials call.......that one was not a good one.

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