
Is it true that the French prefere Serbs more than any of the other Balkan nations ?

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My college teacher said that they are disliking Croatia and wold gladly see us replaced by Serbia as the newest nation that wold enter the EU . Is there any historical true in this ?




  1. once upon a time,France used serbians as a meat for Austro_Hungarian artillery,and that's all.

  2. There is nothing to eat in the entire area but bugs.  Skopje still has "bug restaurants" where different kinds of bugs deep fried in leg oil or dinosaur fat are displayed in steam tables.  I dont think an area run by  Venus and Uranus ETs  neither  of which have any idea what to eat, can join the European Union.  The cyborgs from Uranus that keep the area in utter slavery razed it because no one wanted to eat their "space food" made of the people that died in the Black Plague.

  3. The trouble with people's memory is that it's short-lived... France has been a long standing ally and partner to Serbia, until the most recent developments and the NATO aggression of Serbia. If you check on the WWI and WWII posters, postcards and front pages of newspapers, you'll see how much Serbia was not only helped but also positively promoted in the media of the day. 'Help our sister Serbia' was the most frequent slogan in France. It was the French photographers who recorded the civilian slaughters in Eastern Serbia, carried out by the Bulgarians. Our army officers were being trained in France and widely respected in the allied forces, and in the battlefields. Our finest artists and intelligentsia have found friendly, supportive surroundings in France.

    If the present moment seems different, it is actually a wink in terms of history. Times are forever changing, and old friends can still be friends in the future.

  4. No, France always  have been  friends with Macedonia.

  5. No. On high political level France is turned against Serbia. It is pretty much playing along Germany and USA... Germany is the country which uplifted Croatia once again and struck once more against Serbia.

    During the sanctions, that monument Klaus mentioned, had a n**i cross painted over at some time, and that is how many people actually felt about France. These sanctions were unfair toward the people who suffered alot for years, and voices of hatred were coming from France...

    That monument was created because of the aid France gave to Serbia during WW1. (Unlike the ugly picture of today, we were allies back then...)

    It is a one nasty French woman :P

    I would love to see French tourists (read: girls) coming to to visit us here over summer.

  6. No, not truth. Maybe he thinks that because we were on same sides in WW II, but a lot of things had been changed since than. France showed that best in recent civil war in ex-Yu.

  7. well theres that monument to french friendchip in belgrade... maybe your teacher was reffering to that

    i don't really think france is preffering any of the two

    croatia is currently slightly ahaid and it will probably be the first to enter the EU

  8. Absolutely not.

    First of all, how could you collect such a statistic?

    Second of all, all mainstream parties are for Croatian membership of the EU, as far as they bring to justice genocide-criminals they are hiding.

    I just spoke to a french friend of mine, off to Croatia... it is certainly a prefered destination than Serbia, where people still fear there is instability and potential conflicts with Kosovo ect...

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