
Is it true that the IQ of guys increases as they grow older and that of women decreases at a certain age?

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I know that some people will think that I'm stupid to even think that this could be possible. Women, mostly. I was dumbstruck when one of my relatives told me this last week. But I would really like to know if that's true and scientifically proven or not?No stupid meaningless answers please:-)




  1. No. Barring any disease states (physical or mental) IQ is a stable trait that exhibits no gender differences. There are however, gender differences in specific aspects of IQ (spatial and verbal abilities come to mind).

  2. i have never heard of such a thing.. a big part would be related to dementia which i don't think favors male or female.. the ages might be a little different for typical onset of decreasing "IQ" but to say only women doesn't sound right.

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