I am in a strange situation. I have found nothing online to help explain my experience with the IRS so far.
I recently did the responsible thing and hired an accountant to help take care of some back taxes. In the area of taxes, I am next to clueless.
According to the IRS, I hadn't filed since 2000, so they hung onto my refund for 2007 as well as my Stimulus. (This is partially true, some of those years I failed to file. My fault. I assumed that because I made so little money that I couldn't possibly owe anything and that I had endless time to handle it. Yes ... very stupid.)
I did as they asked, filed for all those years (some of them for the second time) with the help of my accountant. -Missed out on a 2.5k refund for one of those years because it is too late to collect. My fault for being ignorant.- Then I received a notice saying that I owe 8k in taxes and penalties for a year that I worked as a private contractor. My accountant helped me file for that year and informed me that I was entitled to small refund for it, and that my 2007 refund and stimulus would be released soon.
My 2007 refund was recently deposited into my bank account, just as he said. However... I received another notice for the 8k payment they were expecting (claiming that I didn't file for that year still) a few days before this deposit was made. My accountant told me that is was a mistake and that I shouldn't worry about it, because there was no letter of intent included with it. (This Form was basically asking me to agree with the IRS' assessment of what I owed for that year). So I laid the matter to rest.
Then I received a certified mail at the place I used to live at (apparently, they didn't get my address change form either). I've had it forwarded to my new address, but it could be a week before I get it. I assumed it was my stimulus check, but none of my friends have received theirs via certified mail.
After looking online, it seems that certified mail is used by the IRS exclusively to deliver threats. Is this true?
I know people are going to reply with "Wait till you get the mail and find out." but I am trying to plan a trip in the near future. If it is a mistake, and it is possible that they are going to take action to seize money from my account due to poor inter-office communication, I'd like to cancel my plans immediately and resolve the matter asap.
(If it's time to render unto Caesar, I'd rather do that instead of buying plane tickets.)
So I guess I have more than one question
1 - Does the IRS use certified mail to deliver threats exclusively, right before they take direct action?
2 - If so, why would they release my 2007 refund instead of applying it to whatever it is they think I owe them? I ask this out of curiosity, I'm not going to complain too much about the IRS doing something correctly. :)
3 - I used express mail, but not certified mail to file for the years in question. I have tracking numbers for the packages, and the name of the person who signed for them. Will that be sufficient to prove that the IRS received them?
Any insight is appreciated. My accountant is on vacation himself atm :-(