
Is it true that the Palestinians have an extended clan economy that they feel is threatened by State of Israel

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and this is why they feel threatened to be a part of a PROGRESSIVE SOCIETY! They like things done in the old, tried and tested way that depends on agriculture, and hence they must have their land, so they can do their SUBSISTANCE farming. The Arabs would die to remain ignorant! THE PROBLEM IS THAT THEY WANT TO TAKE THE REST OF THE WORLD WITH THEM! They may tell themselves what to do--but why should they be allowed to tell/force others what they (the others) should do as well? Shouldn't they live their faith and let others live theirs!




  1. yes. the palestinians are a regressive culture in many ways. they don't understand the modern world and that is the cause of so many problems, including their treatment of women.

  2. Wow.....what a statement...but I idea at all what you're trying to relate. Sorry. Cheers!

  3. No, that's not true. They don't actually have any economy, or anything vaguely resembling one. They could have had one (courtesy of the Jewish settlers in the West Bank and Gaza) but they destroyed anything the Jews built.

    I don't know how they rationalize that by blowing up Israelis they will be a country as prosperous as Israel. It doesn't make sense to me, but then again, neither does strapping a bomb on my son and sending him to a shopping mall.

  4. It is definitely a culture clash.  They have a clan fighting mentality within themselves it is true within the rest of the Arab population proper.  They seem to respond only to mightier power vs what is right, might makes right.  It has been lack of critical thinking taught for centuries to just blindly accept versus to learn a better way.  Technology and western trade is proving to be their downfall as they don't have the critical thinking as to what to do to manage it responsibly. No, you are wrong nobody should just accept live and let live faith as their faith lacks the woman's voice, the temperament to calm. It is within that faith that the man has been mightier and hence right.  Give the woman more of a voice in an environment that is safe to do so.  It is her responsiblity to feed her family she will learn how to get out of the substinence farming in a peaceful way to the modern era.

  5. This guy doesn't agree

    Heather, that's a very well reasoned and worthwhile argument, you should be extra proud of yourself today.

  6. Yes they live in the past and still use the barter system.

    This works OK internally but limits growth economically.

    It's very hard to build an economy when the leadership is filled with thievery and corruption.  Hard coin going to the rich man's coffer.

    Hard to engage international trade while led by war mongers that insist on a full time hope for genocide.

    Hard to find international investment while the ruling class refuses to make peace.

    The Pals will not survive what they have now, it has to change.

    All Muslims need to get rid of their kings and princes and corrupt leaders and elect, democratically, worthy leaders instead.

    Basing their ability by their hatred of Israel is keeping the people down and in danger.

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