
Is it true that the Snapple company is funded by or supports the Ku Klux Klan?

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I keep hearing this, but I'm unable to find any sufficient answers. Sometimes I find sources that say it's true, and sometimes I find sources that say it's just rumors, and I don't know which to believe. My mom said she saw a story about it on the news, and it was why she wouldn't even allow me to drink Snapple's products. Some days ago, my aunt got some bottles of antioxidant water from Snapple, and then the issue was brought up again.

So, does anyone know for certain? SOURCES, PLEASE.




  1. Growing up I've heard many stories of companies that were suppose to be funded by the KKK who promoted their products in urban environments because they were filled with poison.

    There has never been any confirmation of these facts but the rumors continue to circulate - maybe on some level it just might be true but who will really step up and confirm that  

  2. Try the following link from Mother Jones magazine.  Note that Snapple is supported by the NAACP, I doubt very much if the NAACP would support a company with KKK ties

    What seems to have happened is that the original label had a small K on it, denoting the product was Kosher - unluckily, some folks thought it stood for the KKK since Snapple was advertising on conservative radio.  It is doubtful that Snapple would support the KKK, since the company was founded, in their own words, by "three Jewish boys from Brooklyn" and the KKK is notably anti-Semitic.

  3. No! I know that for a fact!

  4. Short answer:  No.

    Long answer:  There's a couple of sources for getting to the truth behind internet rumors, but is the best (IMHO).  They do a good job of researching and of citing their sources.  

    They do have some pop-up ads, so be sure your pop-up blocker is turned on...

  5. Oh, puh-leeze. That rumor is no more true today than it was in the 1990s when it first started. It's absolutely ridiculous that people can still think it might be true.

    In general, the best place to check the validity of urban legends is at Sure enough, they've heard of the Snapple one:

  6. It's not true.  Visit and type Snapple in the search bar.

  7. seriously, what do you think?

    this is yet another stupid rumor that gets passed on and perpetuated because some actually believe it. (see below) addresses this and many other rumors

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