
Is it true that the U.S. military is secretly developing a "super soldiers"?

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i mean i heard a rumors saying that the government is trying to develops a new super soldiers that have the capability of having more strength, speed, better agility, better sight and hearing, even if a bullet hit the soldiers, the wounds will heal itself super fast and on top of that the soldiers will not feel tired, or pain or hunger so is it true?




  1. And you HONESTLY HONESTLY think you will find an answer that is prolly higher than top secret here on yahoo answers??

    kudos 2 you for trying....

  2. Come back to reality please

  3. Oh yes, they feed them cornbread and soup beans, if the bang

    doesn't get the enemy, the gas will!

  4. they made a live documentary about it. its called the hulk. true story

  5. I was a Marine for 30+ years and the answer is YES!

    Seriously, they are not doing that. That is pure Sci-Fi. There are projects to develop better armor and to help heal wounds faster but super soldiers are not in the works. Although I'm sure the Government would love to do that, it would require genetic alterations and our tech is not even close to being there yet. Maybe in 50-100 years we will be there but not right now.

    Tony C: OOHRAH!!!

  6. Ahhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhh....I think you've seen too many science fiction movies such as Universal Soldier....or whatever that movie was starring Patrick Swayze.

  7. Yes we are, its rumored that by late 2009 they will deploy codename "Captain America"

  8. true

  9. too much movies?

  10. Yep, but it's a secret so don't tell anybody.

  11. did you just watch universal soldiers

  12. Gee, it sounds  too good to be true. But it is a GREAT QUESTION. Somebody's thinking ahead, that is for sure.

    I sure hope that we can be a force not to be reckoned with but I think that as of now we are working on body armour. The other things you mentioned would be more like creating a ROBOCOP.

    I am afraid that right now a super soldier is a science-fiction thing.

  13. duh, havnt you ever heard of captian america and the super soldier syrum?


  14. Yes, they are trying new technologies to give soldiers super strength and endurance.

    One technology I know about is one that cools the blood in a soldier operating under extreme conditions. Using a machine to cool the soldiers core body temperature will allow him to work harder, faster and under very hot conditions far longer than a soldier without the aid of blood cooling devices.

  15. Im shure that something about that is true, but auto cure wonds is unreal. I have not doubt that USA gobernment is developing better soldiers any army since the begining is developing stroger and less thinking mens, for that reason the militar trining.

    Exist many rumors but we don´t will be shure until a real war begin, not the carnage that is USA making in Irak.

    I know that the next war don´t will use soldiers or even nuclear bombs, the warriors will be small, very very small, so small that they couldn´t be seen with out a atomic microscope, many persons think that the VIH is one of they, but for me is just a rumor, even could be a good example about what a biologic weapon can be like. Forget the antrax, antrax is just a children toy compared with a real biological weapon. Antrax don´t fly for example.

  16. That would require eugenics, that is forbidden by law.  

  17. It's possible.

    You never know wha DARPA is cooking up these days. :D

  18. If it is a secret, then nobody knows.  As if the government lets people on "yahoo answers" in on their secret projects.  What kind of answers are you expecting to get? Seriously!

  19. yes.. 2 types

    cyborg and robots

    human drivin mechanically assisted suits of armor packed with electronics and sensor and lightweight secret armors.

    and robots that are remotely controlled

    little further down the line come the autonomous robots..  

  20. they have already. there the danger ranger/


  21. They call them Marines,

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