
Is it true that the airport can now ...?

by Guest62877  |  earlier

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is it true that the airport can now find out if you have illegal songs on your ipod. my mom told me she saw something on tv about it




  1. why would the aiport want to know this or care?

  2. The airport cares about things like weapons, bombs, etc. not illegal songs on ipod.

    If they did care about this, there would be piles and piles of ipods and other mp3s

  3. Nope.

    I don't see how in the world they could do that...

    Unless you're on an iPod TOUCH and you're connected to the wi-fi. then...


  4. no they can not your mother either didn't understand it or the news is wrong and there trying to get pe ople to stop downloading illeagal music.

  5. lol no.

    The airport security has more important things to worry about that what people are listing to on there iPods.

  6. I think either your mother misunderstood, or is yanking your chain.

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