
Is it true that the aspects of life we usually do our best to ignore...?

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are precisely the ones having the bad habit of stepping out of the shadows, of bringing complaints against us, of taking us... "to court"?




  1. I think so...when it comes to...negative thoughts about ourselves. But that is because there are forces at work trying to make us believe we are less than what we're meant to be...

  2. Ignorance is the number one thing that kills people in this world.we ignore the real thing and run after wtah has no importance.a lot of us are still dying even at this moment because of IGNORANCE.

  3. This is called projection and is a Freudian defense mechanism.  

  4. It's it's just best to learn to deal with them than ignore them.

    Ignoring usually doesn't settle very much.

  5. VERY TRUE!!!

    Somethings just can't be wished or pushed away!

  6. Self fulfilling prophecy though. You think it's going to be bad, so you ignore it, and eventually is becomes a huge problem.

    For example - take a are ignoring it because you can't or don't want to pay it. It will eventually end up in court for collection.

    Had you got in touch with the lender, and discussed it, came to an arrangement on it and repayed it and it would not be a problem.

    Things that you intentionally leave in the shadows because you don't want to deal with them, must eventually be dealt with. The longer you avoid them, often the worse they get. Then they are much bigger problems then they originally were.

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