
Is it true that the average Englishman's p***s is only 6 inches Why is that? Is it a genetic flaw?

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And do you find it hard to get a woman?




  1. 6 inches isn't THAT small.

    and i'm sure most countries are around that.

    and no english men do not find it hard getting women.

    average looking men always seem to have a stunning girl on their arm

  2. who says that's wrong most british men  are bigger than that by at least an inch or two

  3. no,,its not true,,,,someones pulling your leg,,,PEACE

  4. Where is the flaw in 6 inches?

    6 inches is more than enough, it's not the size that counts, its how you use it.

    And you young man, don't sound like the type of guy that most girls will want to date if you're obnoxious to think we're only after guys for their penises.

    I'd much rather have a smaller guy who knew what he was doing that a bigger guy that didn't have a clue and thought size by itself was enough.

    Men these days are obsessed with p***s size. If you find a girl that's only dating you because of how "big" you are, something is wrong in that relationship, VERY WRONG.

  5. That's the average for all men.

  6. I do find it hard to get women (still looking) but I don't see how my 6" p***s is effecting that since i don't walk around with it hanging out the front of my trousers how are they to know how big it is.please tell so I can understand the logic of the question  

  7. i've seen a few irish penises and have mistaken them for cigarettes!!


  8. Oh Mr O'Leary I think you have upset Faulty Barbie Doll with your talk!

    My oh my .  The answer is - its not what you have but what you do with it, be it one inch or ten inches!

    If Englishmen find it hard to get women it isnt because of the size of their dumbstick believe me!

  9. Wouldn't call the average p***s length being almost exactly the average v****a depth a genetic defect really, from an evolutionary point of view at least. Although the average in north america is 5.1! so go complain there.

  10. They come a lot bigger than that and I should know, I have sat on enough of them. I would say that the average Englishman's p***s is around 7 or 8 inches.

  11. lol your funny

    im irish too

    and my p***s is 7.2 inches

    and im quarter english but rest irish


  12. 6 inches is plenty anyway-personality goes alot further...oh and a very well trained tongue


  13. Well the English  have been f*****g the Irish for a long time so i guess yours is the same!? lol

  14. It is actually between 5.5 and 6.2 inches.

    Abd that is average.

    So there are bigger and smaller ones.

    And no it is not a genetic flaw at all.

    Most European countries have this as average,

    And women think it to be fine to go out with guys with a 6"er

    No worries


  15. its becuz ur fat

  16. ASk Darwin about this genetic setback!

  17. where are you from then??? im 7"

  18. Well I think the only way we can know for sure, would be to have the first annual Y!A Englishman's p***s Competition. Wanna sign up? First prize is a box of petite size condoms. Good luck!

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