
Is it true that the earth will end on 22-12-2012?

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i am 13 only yet and very afraid by this news. i have some dreams and ambition in my life which means more than a lot for me. i just want to at least live my teenage fully. i want to become a magician. do you have any way from which i can learn magic at home without joining any magic school and without any kind of gimmickery. please help . i don't want to die without my this dream to be come true.




  1. NO

  2. dont be afraid, the worlds going to change on this date but wont end.

  3. The problem with rumors are that they are made up to frighten and cause hurt to another in some form.  You just keep planning and dreaming for your future.

    I have no way of knowing when this earth will not be around any more.  Many can give you some sort of estimate based on datas and formulas, but nothing all that set in stone.  And life as we know it is so short to really concern yourself with those who want to put a date death.

  4. No the world is not going to end.

    That is only the end of an astronomical cycle and beginning of another one.

    About every 11,000 years the solar system crosses the plane of the milky way galaxy.

    The Mayans had to end their calendar somewhere; so they ended the calendar at the end of that cycle.

    The Aztec calendar ended in 1999, and nothing happened, and there was supposed to be tragic events on May 5, 2005 when there was an alignment of planets, Nothing happened then either.

    I will echo the words of Padre Pio. "Pray, hope, and don;t worry.

  5. Relax, people had been predicting the end of the world for centuries, before year 2000 people said that the world would end on year 2000, and it didn't, then people said it would be the 6th day of the 6th month of 2006 and it didn't and now they say the year is 2012 cause the Mayan calendar stops there, that's trash to me. Now if you're a Christian yo may like to know that the Bible says that no human knows the time of the end but just God, so live your life and forget about those apocalyptic weirdos.

  6. Earth will not cease to exist.

    However we will encounter an energy wave emanating from the center of the galaxy that will likely result in a magnetic pole shift on earth.

    This event will likely eliminate human life as we know it, but will also mutate our DNA and transform us into a knew creature with amazing abilities.

    Military remote viewing experiments that were able to see in the future all ran into a wall they could not go past on 12-21-2012.

  7. You should have learnt by now many many MANY people are just full of lots and lots and LOTS of S***e. I'm not even sure if you're serious about this question.

    As for that asteroid, probably Apophis, now has an almost nil chance of Earth collision.

    The chance of dying by car can be as high as 1 in 83 in some countries. BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT EITHER. Just appreciate that fact that you havn't died yet. If you just worry about dying, you're halfway there already (metaphorically).

  8. It's no more true than the Earth ending in 1-1-2000...

  9. Hmm

    is it true pigs can fly?

    nope its just rumors

    the mayans believe it

    its bullshit love

  10. i heard the a space rock is coming to earth in a few more years.

  11. There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as doomsday. The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called "The Web-Bot Project" makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future... and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012. Skeptics point to a long history of "Failed Doomsdays", but many oracles of doom throughout history have a disturbingly accurate track record. As the year 2012 ticks ever closer we'll speculate if there are any reasons to believe these doomsayers.

  12. The world is not going to end on that date. Here's an article about what the Mayans really think about it.

    2012: The End of the World, but not Literally

    An article by John W. Reeves III

    There has been a lot of controversy and debate over the issue of December 21, 2012 being the "End of the World". People have been basing this on Mayan Prophecies and the fact that the Mayan Calendar ends on the above-mentioned date.

    The reality of this is that people have misunderstood and misinterpreted the Mayan Philosophies and the workings of the Mayan Calendar. This is something that has upset a lot of Mayans.

    If you speak to the Mayans, as I have done, they will tell you that indeed, 2012 is the end of the world. They will also tell you that this will be the fifth time the world has ended, and that the world ends every 5125 years. In other words, it is not a literal translation. In fact, the Mayans explain this as meaning the end of one era and the beginning of a new era. They do say that during this time there will be major changes in the Earth and its inhabitants, but not an actual destruction of the physical planet.

    So, the Question is why every 5125 years?

    In order to answer this question, one has to understand the workings of the Mayan Calendar, and the reasoning and science behind it. In fact, you also need to know the Mayan perception of time.

    Most people perceive time as a straight line, moving ever forward. Mayans perceive time as a circle, "What has happened will happen". Even though this statement pertains to a Mayan philosophy about events in history, it also has a bigger meaning from which the statement originated. The bigger meaning pertains to cycles in nature and in the universe, as understood in Mayan astronomy. And this perception of time is the first building block for the Mayan Calendar.

    The Mayan Calendar is actually three calendars working as one, kind of like three cogged wheels. These calendars are known as the Tzolkin, the Haab, and the Long Count.

    The Tzolkin, also known as the Mayans' Religious or Spiritual Calendar, is 260 days long. It measures the Mayan 20 day weeks of which there are 13. (NOTE: The year marked by the Tzolkin is not incorporated in the Mayan date).

    The Haab, also known as the Mayans' Civilian or Solar Calendar, is 365 days long. It measures the months of which there are 20 (19 months have 20 days each and 1 month has 5 days in it for a total of 365 days).

    These two calendars working together are known as the "Calendar Round" and create a cycle of days that do not repeat for 52 years. Incidentally, the reset of this calendar every 52 years also keeps this portion of the Mayan Date in sync with the seasons on Earth, much in the same way as our "Leap Year", only it is much more accurate.

    The Long Count, also known as the "Day Count", is what the Mayans use to mark the days in the 5125 year cycle of the Mayan Calendar. Incidentally, the Mayans can tell you what day it is on the "Long Count", which is impressive due to the fact that there are 1,870,625 days in the "Long Count".

    So, with these three calendars working together as one Mayan Calendar, no date on this calendar repeats itself for 5125 years (then the process starts over again).

    Now back to the question, "Why 5125 years?"

    This is because the Mayan Calendar is not based on the Sun and the Moon. Though it uses the Sun and the Moon in part of its workings, the Mayan Calendar is actually based on the time it takes our Milky Way Galaxy to make a complete orbit around the Pleiades Cluster. It is a mystery as to why they chose this phenomenon as a basis for a calendar or how they even knew about it.

    So, will we still be here after 2012?

    More than likely, the answer is yes. And we may be witness to some really interesting things in the process.

    The last time the Mayan Calendar came to an end was 3113 B.C. This puts it around the time of the "Great Flood", which is spoken of, not only in the Bible, but also in Mayan History and other cultures as well (and mankind is still here).

    Is this ending of the Mayan Calendar different from any of the previous endings?

    The answer is most definitely, "Yes".

    With this ending of the Mayan Calendar, our solar system will be entering the "Galactic Plain" on its journey from the topside of our galaxy to the bottoms side. This phenomenon occurs every 25625 years, which is exactly 5 cycles of the Mayan Calendar. With 2012 being the 5th ending to the Mayan Calendar, you can count back and find that the very first cycle of the Mayan Calendar began with our solar system in the "Galactic Plain" on its journey from the bottom side of the galaxy to the topside.

    "What has happened will happen".

  13. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!!!

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