
Is it true that the first 3 feet in perimeter of your yard is government property?

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Is it true that the first 3 feet in perimeter of your yard is government property?




  1. It depends on your property, the government may have already taken its share, you have to check with your surveyor or property rights to know for sure

    most people have whats called an "easement" which takes 3 feet or so into your property for future expansion and it belongs to the local government....but some people have already had theirs used to expand roadways and they dont get to use it and claim another 3 feet......

    only way to know if yours are already taken or not is check public records

  2. I believe it's 100 feet from the curb.  You can call your city/county government & they should be able to tell you for sure what it is in your area. Kathy

  3. Well, it's yours to pay taxes on, and it's yours to maintain, but the utilities have right of way. We don't have curbs, but the same still goes. Before we got this house we were having a rail fence installed,and it was a neighbor who told the fencing people that they couldn't put a fence on the right of way. I would have thought they would know. We were able to get them to start over, and fortunately they hadn't gone too far to change. Where we are the utilities are not really picky, but they do need room to get to their poles and wires.

    That's why they can also come and trim your trees, and I don't mean like a landscaper would do!  :-)  

  4. yes my friend is a land surveyor . its a few feet back from the curb. not sure exactly how much.

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