
Is it true that the government is taking all the people against the war and sending them to Iraq?

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I heard that the government is sending all the people that openly express they are opposed to the war in Iraq, to Iraq on a peace envoy or something like that? Is that true? I heard they are supposed to go there and there job will be to infiltrate Al Queda and convince them to be nice and not suicide bomb and stuff. Is this true?




  1. Thats the craziest thing ive heard so far. I think the members of congress should send their kids there..what do you  think?

  2. Yes, but the government is only sending Democrats, so be sure to vote Republican.

  3. Oh, yes.  They are even sending old people, pregnant women and children under the age of 12.  Our government feels that when all those suicide bombers see those people, they will get down on their knees and beg forgiveness for killing all those women and children and the enfeebled.  You may quote me to the source who gave you information to ask your question.

  4. Only the brave. You can watch on tv.

  5. What a scary pic of Pelosi you have!

    For the latest news about Iraq:

    It doesn't exactly cover conspiracy theories such as this one but does highlight the valor of our Volunteers in the Hall of Heroes category

  6. u just  can't believe the government . all these politics are con job. why not send their own kins to iraq instead.

  7. They haven't come to get me yet

  8. They should because they support AlQaeda anyways.....  There is no purpose in the US for anti American leftist liberal extremists that only know how to protest against causes they don't even know the history about.  These "rent a protestors" spew lies, carry picket signs that they can't even provide an answer for, protect those that are against the United States, harbor our enemies, protect illegal immigrants that don't belong here and are the cause of all civil disobedience here on our soil like the domestic terrorists they are.

    I don't care what happens to them.  Just kidnap them, blindfold them and send them to the areas they protest for and see how they like the treatment they receive.  That should show their true colors because they don't have the courage to go to Iraq, Darfur, China, Myanmar, Lebanon and other countries to face the governments.  Just a bunch of cowards that think that protesting thousands of miles away can cure the world's ills.....

  9. If you believe that I have some beach front property to sell you cheap. It is in Yuma AZ. No it isn't true!

  10. yes, everyone that voted for Obama in NC will be called for duty next week.

    We are working on the banners "Make friends, not war" for our "just say no to the evil doers / suicide bombers" march in Baghdad on the 20th. will you join us?

  11. yeah they are at my door right now--excuse me a minute i gotta reload

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