
Is it true that the heat can make one tired?

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This is something I have heard all my life, but I'm not sure that its not an old wives tale.




  1. It's true here's an article that dicusses this very subject.

    It's actually called "Hyperthermia" as opposed to "Hypothermia" which would be too much exposure to cold (for the most part).  

    Have a great day.

  2. It can, and it will. Just make sure to get plenty of water, if you will be in hot places for extended periods of time...

  3. well when you  are warm or hot your metabolism slows making you tired..

    you also loose liquids which cab lead to tiredness and dehydration.

    not to mention heat stokes.

    i hope i was of some help!

  4. Well, think about it:

    This is just my opinion:

    The heat does effect how you function. Down in the southern part of the US, the people there are more slow moving and even speak slower but then you go to somewhere in the North like New York where its colder and people speak faster and move faster.

    Which parts of the world moved ahead the fastest and worked the hardest: I would say Europe with the Industrial Revolution and parts of China which you could Juxtapose with parts such as Africa and the Caribbean where there was less advancement and where it was hotter.

    Personally from my own experience in the heat and cold: I think the cold makes you more active and heat makes you less active.

    Even s*x: More s*x occurs in the winter, maybe because its colder then in the summer when its hot and humid.

    So I think the heat inevitably affects us all.

  5. Yes, indeed, the heat can certainly make you tired! Actually, for many people, it isn't so much the heat but the humidity that makes it difficult for our bodies to properly allow sweat to evaporate.

  6. yes

  7. YES<  I am a witness.....

  8. yeah

  9. Yeah, probably due to dehydration. Heat makes me tired and nauseated.

  10. very true it makes one weak or get dehidrated

  11. its true

  12. Yeah heat drains more energy out of you compared to the cold, and scientists have proven this numerous times.

  13. Heat makes you tired and slow if you are warm blooded, and energetic if your cold blooded. Not necessarily having anything to do with being dehydrated. I remember that much from school, but not the details of why. That's why reptiles are fast in the summer, and we are faster in winter.

  14. absolutely.

  15. It's true it happens to me all the time.

  16. yep sure can... it draws everything out of you... the past two times i have been outside here *deep south... ive blacked out cuz i got too hot within like 30 mins... yuck...

  17. its true just like being cold will also make you tired

    your body uses energy to keep you as cool as possible so using the energy can make you tired. same as being use the energy to stay warm.

  18. it depends on what type of activity u r doing.

  19. yes. it happens to me all the time when im working out outside

  20. Not to sound silly, but heat can make you hot.  If your body overheats it does not work efficiently.  If you dehydrate your blood thickens and your kidneys cannot filter properly.  If you are able to keep your body temperature normal and replace lost fluids and electrolytes you won't feel so tired.  


  21. Not sure where you are from but come to Louisiana between July and August and you will understand all about the heat and how it can drain you.

  22. ya. i think its cuz it's like when ur a baby all over again. and all u feel around u is warmth. so u feel comforted and relaxed all over again, making u sleepy.

  23. Ever heard the term "heat exhaustion"? It isn't there for nothing. Becoming over-heated leads to dehydration and you will become weak and unable to do anything.

  24. ya it can

  25. it does for me.

  26. yes i think so because when ur cold u tend to be more alert and awake since u r freezing...but when u r warm u get very drowsy and often sleepy

  27. it drains the liquid out of you and dehydrates the body which makes people tired. I live in norcal where its in the triple digits and if im outside to much i start to get very tired.

  28. yes, your body works harder to keep you cool in turn making you tired.

  29. heat can make you tired yes

    it exhausts your water supply and makes you dehydrated making your body work less sufficiently and creating strain on your body since it will be out of whack due to the rise of temperature and the lack of water to cool you down

  30. it's it

  31. yes true

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