
Is it true that the junior year of high school is the one that colleges look at the hardest?

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and care the most about?




  1. I've never heard this to be true.  And I've applied and been accepted to some really great universities.  Cumulative my high school years were good, but I'm not sure whether one was better or that much worse than others, and I'm pretty sure that my acceptance didn't rely on junior year!  

    So, I would have to say this is false!  Colleges are more worried about your overall GPA, activities you did while in school and you SAT or ACT score!

  2. Colleges are aware that Freshman year is a big adjustment and a lot of kids have problems that year, but by Junior year you should have it all figured out. Your study skills should be good, you should be mature and responsible, and you are taking the hardest courses. So, they will pay a BIT more attention to that year. If you have steadily improved in your grades from Freshman to Junior then that would be an excellent sign that you will continue to do well and will be a good student in college. What they definitely don't want to see is someone on a downward trend. That would be bad!

  3. i dont know y but i would say yes cuz you have junior paper and stuff like that???

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