
Is it true that the lower an animal is down the food change the more young it gives birth too.?

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like animals at the top take longer to mature and give brith to less young. But they help keep all animals in balances.

And down the bottem like fish and mice mature early and give birth to more.




  1. Not necessarily, and I'm sure you could find many examples that are contrary.

    Many animals that have a low survival rate have lots of offspring, but I wouldn't be inclined to say "all" even then.

  2. no.

    You might be able to make a general statement about juvenile ability and place in the food chain, for instance, large prey animals can usually run within a half hour while predators take more time, but even that is a gross generalization.

    Look at cows and caribou, they have one calf at a time and they are basically at the bottom since they eat no animals and many animals eat them.  And wolves and wild dogs (the most successful predators) have large litters while they are at the top

  3. Not at all. For example, in Africa, lions, the top predators, usually give birth to between two and six cubs. By contrast, animals they prey upon, such as zebras and wildebeest, have only one baby at time. The number of young an animal produces relates to how likely those young are to survive to adulthood, not where the species is on the food chain.

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