
Is it true that the mayan crystal skulls will do something if you put them all together???

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Is it true that the mayan crystal skulls will do something if you put them all together???




  1. No

  2. Probably not. It was just a movie though.

  3. Of course they would, Harrison Ford wouldn't lead me astray.

  4. One thing for sure, they will be back together==But as for me, i think they already are, and working on something good==it'll just take a few more years to get it all together== most likely because of all the traffic==

  5. Yes, they will break into a selection of songs from the shows.

  6. its possible, !!! i saw something about this on discovery channel or history channel

    they said it could stop the end of the world on dec 23 2012 if all 13 skulls were found and was place on this special spot , hehe sorry i dont remember

  7. No one really knows for sure.  It is a legend or myth only.  I doubt anyone will really know for sure.

  8. most of them have been proven to be fakes so probably not

  9. i hope there not real

    i dont want the world to end =[


    i thought it was in 2012 and 2013 idk

    its a stupid myth

  10. you've been watching too much of indiana jones! (-;

  11. yup

  12. i'm pretty sure those don't exist... i think thats only in a movie.



    in videogames.


  14. dasfddasfds

  15. No it isn't true.

    Best Regards,

        Dwight Kurt Schrute

  16. Probably not. But definetly worth a try! Looks like a myth to me, but go for it!

  17. It will save the world apparently.  The Mayans predicted the world will end on a certain date in the year 2011.

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