My friend owns two cats. one is rescued the other she raised as a kitten. The kitten she didnt pick up or play with very much because she worked for 12 hours a day (i know 12 hours isnt good!). but, when the kitten got to about 2 year old, my friend started playing with her more and my friend only worked for 5 hours. (The kitten is called molly) So as molly grew up, my friend couldnt pick her up and hug her or put her on her knee. molly just didnt like it. i asked my friend why she did this and she said: "its because she wasnt handled or picked up as a kitten"
Is that true? Her other cat just flops on your lap when you pick her up and loves being handled so its a tad strange!
And is it also true that if you DO handle a kitten and i mean all teh time like pick it up and stroke it and play with it, will they be allow you to pick them up as an adult, and are more playful as an adult?
thanks in advance!