
Is it true that the new fuel as already been discovered/developed?

by Guest56303  |  earlier

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I read that the reason oil is so expensive is because the big oil companies are manipulating the price to get as much profit from a dead technology.

Hydrogen cells are so stable now that they can be put in cars and withstand catastorphic crashes. You can fill your car with about $10 worth of hydrogen....this would devistate the oil companies becuase ALL industries not just cars would switich to hydrogen.

Also, that even electric companies would be obsolete because for just a few cents a day a family could generate their own electricity with a hydrogen powered generator.

in other words, this technology would devistate oil as an industry if it were allowed to just roll out at this time.

supposedly, the U.S. postal service is using full-on hydrogen powered cars.

Also, the technology is so inexpensive that even building hydrogen engines is very cheap to own and maintain.

I want one of those hydrogen engines to heat and power my home....where can I find more information?




  1. Hydrogen is not that cheap.

    Currently hydrogen is made from natural gas.

    Typical prices for an amount of hydrogen with an amount of energy equivalent to the energy in one gallon of gasoline is about $2.50 which is considerably cheaper than gasoline at today's prices, but not as cheap as you describe.

    What is really intriguing is making hydrogen from water through electrolysis.

    It does take an large amount of electricity.

    It takes approximately 50 kilowatt hours of electricity using currently available equipment to make an amount of hydrogen wtih the energy content of one gallon of gasoline.

    A nuclear power plant produces electricity at a cost of approximately 3 cents per kilowatt hour.

    That is a cost of $1.50 to produce an amount of hydrogen with the energy equivalency of one gallon of gasoline!

    At night there is much less demand for electricity. A nuclear power plant has a huge excess of production at night.

    If we had more nuclear power plants we could produce hydrogen by hydrolysis at night for use in our cars.

    A gasoline engine can be converted to use hydrogen instead of gasoline.

    In fact the first internal combustion engines used hydrogen in the laboratory.

    It was only later when the internal combustion came into common use that internal engines were set up to run on gasoline, because gasoline is easier to handle than hydrogen.

    Currently there are a number of hobbyists who hace converted the internal combustion engines in their cars to run on hydrogen.

  2. you need to wait for 10 years for all this to happen, untill then drill oil

  3. You're way overhyping hydrogen.  There are serious fundamental problems that hydrogen cars face before they become a viable option.

    And no, the postal service is not using hydrogen cars.  They are testing one Chevy Equinox fuel cell car because they're considering their alternative options.  I suspect they'll go with the superior technology - electric cars.

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