
Is it true that the royal family are always working non stop for the country?

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Is it true that the royal family are always working non stop for the country?




  1. yeah, couldn't you tell when William is playing polo or Harry is dressing as a n**i?

  2. Little Lemur, please be more specific. Which royal family. ? Lesotho, Swaziland, Thailand, Malaysia, Norway, Spain, Sweden,Japan, England, Tonga are just some countries I know who have a Royal Family and then you have those in exile like the Romaovs, Hapsburgs, Bourbons. When you go to insult someone, please aim your venom in a straight direction

  3. No it would be literally impossible for the royal family to work non-stop.  If you are talking about the British royal family, they do a lot for a variety of charities but for the most part they are there strictly "for show" as the Queen has no power over the government of Great Britian.

  4. which royal family? but in my country, it's true, since the ruler is the king and prime minister himself.

  5. The Royal Family does all the ceremonial work for the State, so that the Prime Minister and his cabinet can actually focus on their work and policies.

    This is better than the American model where the President, as head of both the State, and the Government, has to fulfill both the ceremonial and the gubernatorial roles.

    So answering your question, Yes.  The Royals are always working for the State, at least the Queen is.

  6. no ofence to anyone but

    there is no one in this world that has or deserves the word "royal" only Allah and his mighty messengers deserve the name  "royal" i am sorry if u dont  get wat i am saying but it really angers me i mean yes the proclaimed "royal" family has my respect but i think no one deserves that name acept god and his mesangers. thanks if this offends u in anyway i am sorry this is wat i think abouth all these royal stuff

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