
Is it true that the super skyscrapers will not collapse in earthquake disaster?

by Guest33466  |  earlier

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if so,how does it work?




  1. They are very resistant because they can bend or flex.  Steel has high tensile strength so it doesn't pull apart easily.  Non reinforced concrete and many other building materials can be pulled apart much more easily and are not good in earthquakes because they are relatively brittle and don't bend.

  2. They test it up to certain stresses through theory and testing (scale models) and there are many things that they have to counter act when a earthquake happens but one technique that I've noticed the most is the damper.

    First they try to see how it will swing during an earthqauke situation, then like for many super skyscraper they design a damper. This damper is a large weight that can shift to where it would help to keep the building from whiplashing or getting shaken around beyond the buildings capacity.  The damper is usually tons upon tons of metal or other heavy raw materials connected to hydolics and other mechanisms to let this weight swing to desired direction that would stabalize the building. This also helps a lot with large winds.

    I think the damper is the key elements a long with many other things (shape, form, materials, building techniques, design etc.) to form an overall stable and safe structures during earthquakes and such.

  3. No existing super skyscraper has been hit by a earthquake of Richter scale above 8. So there are only theoretical claims but no proven specimen

  4. Partially it is true and partially it is wrong. Let me explain how. There are three important things to be kept in mind apart from the geological condition of that area. 1. Should be provided with cross beams to withstand lateral shaking.2. Provide rubber or spring bearings at the bottom so that the building will osculate without passing the strain to that buildings. You can compare the C.N tower at Toronto Canada. It is designed to osculate for about 18 inches. The other thing is it should not be designed to match with the frequency of earthquakes recorded at that area. Every increase in the floor height will reduce the natural frequency of the buildings by 0.1 second period.Period is inverse of the frequency.The earthquake frequency normally is in between 0.5 to 15 Hz. You can find the frequency of past recorded seismograph of that area and avoid construct the buildings to match the frequency.You can either increase or decrease the height of the buildings.In one incident in California the buildings of 10 to 14 floors were destroyed when others remains in tact.

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