
Is it true that the top ranked universities in the world are mostly from the USA?

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Is it true that the top ranked universities in the world are mostly from the USA?




  1. Mostly, but I'm pretty sure Oxford is the end all best university in the world and that's in england.

  2. So the Americans would have you believe, I'm not convinced.

  3. Bollocks! Those yanks are as thick as two short planks! Everyone knows that the UK has the best d**n education system in the world; two words for you: Oxford and Cambridge!!!!

  4. Take a look at it yourself. Here is a directory for university rankings:

  5. Depends how far down the list you consider "the top" to go. The last list I saw, Harvard was top with Oxford, Cambridge and Yale joint second. Fifty percent is hardly "most".

  6. Yes, mostly.

  7. no

  8. For the most part that is correct, however, several very good schools are located in the UK. The strange thing is that the US has excellent colleges and universities, yet the secondary schools are generally substandard.

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