
Is it true that the world is gonna end in 2012?

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Is it true that the world is gonna end in 2012? People say it's true and some people say it's not true




  1. Just a Stupid Superstition. The world has been around for Millions opon millions of years, why should it end now? Just because People are freaking out abou this "So-Called-Global-warming", why should the people that actualy have some sense think that the world is going to end. Its Stupid and Pointless.

  2. if you die that year, then yes, it will be the end of the world for you.......... LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!! i thought i heard the last of this stupid c**p but i guess there are some loons still out there that are buying in to that.

  3. I graduate in that year, so hopefully not :P

  4. If you believe in God and the Bible, then no. I believe in the two and the Bible says that no man will be able to predict the Lord's second coming. If it makes you feel better, there have been MANY end time prophesies and they have all come and past proving that they were false. Remember when the world was gonna end in the year 2000? Well, did it?  


  6. Probably not.

    Ever since the 6/6/6 (June 6, 2006) End of the World scenario did not pan out, the scare mongers have been touting the 2012 End of the World scenario. When 2012 does not happen either, I am sure they will think of something else.

    "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)

    Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

    The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

    The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

    Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everthing happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

    For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:

    With love in Christ.

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