
Is it true that there are Atheists that pretend to be Christians just to hang out with girls?

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they memorize Bible passages to impress them and later they get rid of them, after having s*x

i have heard of it but sounds kinda fiction, but hey, this world is twisted, it could happen, what do you think.. and what is so special with these christian girls? are they wild or what?

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  1. Here's the deal.  I've been with christian girls and although nice...

    s*x with atheists is SO much better...

    No Post Traumatic Guilt...

    which in and of itself can be sweet cream on the peaches...but ultimately

    atheists just do it better.

  2. Only becasue they hear christian girls are easy.

  3. Untrue, there are female Atheists too :P

    And they are more fun.

  4. That's just some story they made up in sunday school to scare girls into abstinence.  Probably came from the same type of xians who push the abstinence only programs that don't work.

  5. I imagine that there are people who are christian that do it, atheist that do it, jewish that do it, muslim that do that, etc... It's silly though, you can't keep up that kind of facade forever.

    Maybe they're catholic school girls... (j/k that's just a stereotype)

  6. ummm actaully i had to do this because i was an athiest in a small bible belt town.  The girls would never date an athiest.  I didnt do it to get laid, just to get a chance for them to really know me and not think that im just some heathen savage athiest or something.  Oh and i already knew the bible passages because i was forced to go to church all day every sunday.  Luckily in college i dont have to do this.

  7. A friend of mine in college made it a point to score with as many "nice Christian girls" as possibly he could. For him, it was a challenge. I think the "thrill of the hunt" was probably more exciting for him than any type of intimacies they may or may not have shared.

    He was an atheist, but more importantly he was also a douche. A majority of Atheists are decidedly non-douchey.

  8. I have never heard of that. I wouldn't do it because christians don't beliee in kink

  9. I certainly hope not.

    But I guess kids will pretend a lot of things to get some action.

    It sounds like a Christian urban legend to me.  

  10. and since when are bible passages cool and seductive?

  11. ROFL .. why would we do that?  The atheist girls are hotter and better in bed.


  12. yes, it's true.  i had a guy ask me for my number cause he wanted to go to a bible study with me.  then he called and asked if we could meet for coffee.  i didn't sleep with him but i knew after that he didn't really want to have anything to do with God.  yep, it was pretty lame, but anyway...

  13. Doubtful.  Intellectual honesty is important -- which is part of why atheists are atheists.

  14. Christian girls talk about morals but they very loosely practice them.  

  15. Well honey, the Christians have been known to come up with much fiction in their time, so its probably something made up to scare you into converting to athiesm, haha!

  16. Yeah....I've seen it.  As to what's so special, well....they put out.

  17. Wouldn't put it past some.. Atheists are heterogeneous bunch.

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