
Is it true that there are B-l-a-c-k-s who are secretly voting for...?

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for McCain, but they are telling other b-l-a-c-k-s that they are voting for Obama? If so, are they trying to avoid critizism from b-l-a-c-k Obama voters?




  1. Some blacks are out right Republicans and you will see some of them at the Republican convention. I say to each his own and this is America and people have the right to vote for whomever they want.This is to Amy above. I am not voting for Obama because of his race. I am more or less voting against McCain because he is the almost the exact replica of Bush!And I don'[t know about the rest of you but I have had enough!

  2. Why are you generalising all the black people in the US?

  3. I know several black people who are voting for McCain and have no problem saying so.  

  4. Not all blacks are as dumb as the Dems assume they are.

  5. Skin color shouldn't define who you are or what you do. Of course there are going to be black people voting for McCain, but does that matter?  

  6. I'm Black and I was voting for McCain UNTIL Sarah called Hillary a WHINER!

    Palin makes me MAD I hate her




  7. I hope McCain wins.

  8. Huh? Seriously how dumb are you?  Duh there are some blacks voting for McCain..they are called black republicans..Just like there are W-H-I-T-E-S voting for Obama..Dont be silly...Are you a republican  

  9. I don't know of anyone like that, but I have a friend who is african american and she is very very conservative. More so than me probably, lol.

  10. No its not true, there are some black Republicans and there is no need for them to be secretly about it, its there right to be so if they choose to.....

  11. Who knows who votes for whom? Where I vote a curtain closes around the booth so no one knows your selection.

    I am quite certain that in some places voter intimidation goes on.

    I would love to be a monitor at a precinct where voter fraud was suspected. You know where people try to go in the booth more then once by signing other peoples cards. I swear to god you would be seeing me on the news because I would be rolling on the floor with any cheating SOB.

    Cheaters, don't do it in my presence.

  12. probably, in this world, if you are white you vote white, right? i feel that the majority of blacks, not all, but the majority are seeing that since he is black, they need to vote for him, never mind the issues.  

  13. Oh good grief. I imagine there are a lot of Republicans who happen to be black voting for McCain, just like there are a lot of white Democrats voting for Obama. There's a lot of folks who got past skin color long ago.

  14. 9% of African Americans are voting Mccain if thats what you want to know.

  15. Nobody could possibly know what the blacks are doing or saying.A wasted question.

  16. Just the smart ones that care about issues

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